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Mother and Child Health: Research Methods G.J.Ebrahim Editor Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, Oxford University Press.

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Presentation on theme: "Mother and Child Health: Research Methods G.J.Ebrahim Editor Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, Oxford University Press."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mother and Child Health: Research Methods G.J.Ebrahim Editor Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, Oxford University Press.

2 Programmes Menu of Epi-Info

3 The Normal Distribution A histogram provides a view of how the values of a variable are distributed.

4 Number of values and the Gausian shape All these histograms illustrate a Normal distribution. As the number increases the Gausian shape becomes more obvious

5 Scatterplot to show relationship between two numeric variables A scatterplot of dose of anaesthetic and time to recover from anaesthesia, with a regression line and 95% confidence intervals as well as outliers.

6 Outliers An outlier is an unusually high value of Y for a given value of X. Outliers exert an influence on the regression line.

7 Rates, Proportions and Ratios Is numerator included in the denominator? Yes Is time included in denominator? YesNo MEASURE: Rate Proportion Ratio EXAMPLE: Incidence Prevalence Maternal Mortality Rate Rate ratio

8 Absolute risk, Probability of survival and Odds ratio Absolute RiskSurvival Probability Odds 0.901−0.90 = 0.100.90÷(1−0.9) =9.0 0.751−0.75 = 0.250.75÷(1−0.75) = 3.0 0.501−0.50=0.500.50÷(1−0.50)=1.0 0.251−0.25=0.750.25÷(1−0.25)=0.33 0.101−0.10=0.900.10÷(1−0.10)=0.11 0.011−0.01=0.990.01÷(1−0.01)=0.01

9 Calculating Numbers Needed to Treat (NNT) Calculate the proportion of people who have the outcome in the intervention group. (Exp.Grp.Evnt Rate; EGER ) Calculate the proportion of people who have the outcome in the control (placebo) group. (Cntrl. Grp.Event Rate; CGER) Calculate the difference between EGER and CGER to obtain Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) Then NNT = 1÷ARR

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