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National policy of the preservation of digital cultural heritage Estonian Legal Deposit Act and web resources Ülle Talihärm Head of Collection Development.

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Presentation on theme: "National policy of the preservation of digital cultural heritage Estonian Legal Deposit Act and web resources Ülle Talihärm Head of Collection Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 National policy of the preservation of digital cultural heritage Estonian Legal Deposit Act and web resources Ülle Talihärm Head of Collection Development Department Digital Memory International Seminar 24-25 November 2005, Tallinn

2 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA National policy and strategy Fundamentals of the Estonian Cultural Policy (1998) Principles of the Estonian Information Policy 2004-2006 Digital Preservation of Estonian Cultural Heritage 2004-2007 Digital Cultural Heritage Metadata (2005)

3 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Principles of the Estonian Information Policy 2004-2006 creation of common databases for public libraries and introduction of e-services for readers; drafting a national programme for the long-term digital preservation of national cultural heritage as well as for its integration with the e-environments of educational institutions; collection of digital information with archival value; digitisation of records.

4 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Digital Preservation of Estonian Cultural Heritage 2004-2007 Strategy covers the aspects of digital heritage for both digitally born and digitised material in different areas of responsibility. Documents on Digital Cultural Heritage Metadata.

5 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Legislation related to legal deposit National Library Act (1990, 1994, 1998, 2002) Copyright Act (1993, 1999, latest amendments 2005)

6 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Legal Deposit Legislation The history of the Estonian legal deposit copy starts from the summer of 1919 Soviet legal deposit Provisional Order for Providing Legal Deposit Copies (1992) Legal Deposit Copy Act (1997 latest amendments 2002)

7 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Legal Deposit Act (1997) 8 legal deposit copies from printed publications are divided: 2 copies: National Library of Estonia Tartu University Library Archival Library of the Estonian Literature Museum 1 copy: Tallinn University Academic Library Tallinn Technical University Library

8 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Legal Deposit Act (1997) 2 legal deposit copies from audio-visual and electronic materials issued on hard carriers are divided: 1 copy: National Library of Estonia Tartu University Library

9 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA I nitiatives of National Library of Estonia The national web monitoring began in 1997. S tarting point for systematic monitoring, collecting, archiving and bibliographic description process of web resources was year 2000 – when was started project ERIK@ - Estonian Resources on the Web: Cataloguing and Archiving. Draft on the Legal Deposit Act Amendment Act (June 2006)

10 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Draft on the Legal Deposit Act Amendment Act The purpose of collecting web publications Deposit copies are collected with the aim to compile a complete collection of web publications as an essential part of the national cultural heritage, their bibliographic registration, statistical analysis and public accessibility for art and research purposes. The acquisition and archiving of deposit copies guarantee national preservation and protection of national web publications.

11 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Draft on the Legal Deposit Act Amendment Act Definition of web publication A web publication is a complete “intellectual” unit, has an identified amount of information, made generally available to the public via the Internet. Obligation to deposit The initiative to collect web publications is on depository. Depositor and Depository Depositor - the responsible body for collecting, archiving, preservating and making public accessible of web publications - is the National Library of Estonia. Depository - National Library of Estonia

12 EESTI RAHVUSRAAMATUKOGU · NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESTONIA Draft on the Legal Deposit Act Amendment Act When deposit must take place? Deposit must take place as soon as possible. Availability and access rights If permission for a public access via the Internet is restricted by publisher for some web publications, then deposited web publications will be accessible via the authorized computer working places in the National Library of Estonia and in the Tartu University Library.


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