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Literary Elements Genre, story elements, etc.

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2 Literary Elements Genre, story elements, etc.

3 Remember... Fiction These are stories that are NOT real! They are made-up. Can include fairytales, folktales, fables, myths, tall tales, realistic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction!

4 Plot Plot is the sequence of events that occur in a narrative. A narrative is any work that tells a story, such as a short story, a novel, a drama, or a narrative poem. Plot is the sequence of events that occur in a narrative. A narrative is any work that tells a story, such as a short story, a novel, a drama, or a narrative poem.

5 Diagram of Plot Exposition/ Somebody Rising Action/ Wanted To Climax/But Falling Action Resolution/So

6 Exposition Introduces the Setting Time and place; Can include dialects, scenery, customs, time period, clothing, weather, time of day/year. The setting helps: create mood, show a reader a different way of life, or make the action seem more real. The setting can also be the source of conflict and can be a symbol for something else. Introduces the Characters Protagonist/Antagonist Major/Minor Static/Dynamic Foil Characterization How an author creates a character – can be direct or indirect Appearance, dialogue, actions, descriptions, motivations, etc.

7 Rising Action – the conflict develops External Conflict Struggle against an opposing force: Person vs. Person Mr. Carlos and Ms. Oleksiak are arguing Person vs. Nature Ms. Oleksiak is swept away during a flash flood. Person vs. Beast Ms. Oleksiak is mauled by a wild turkey. Internal Conflict A struggle within a character. I can’t decide whether or not to go out with Bobby. He’s super cute, but kind of has a dud personality. Oh goodness, what is a girl to do?

8 Climax The turning point of the story. The point of highest suspense or tension. Example: Romeo kills Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin. If he hadn’t killed Tybalt, the original plan that would allow Romeo and Juliet to be together may have worked.

9 Falling Action The conflict is close to being resolved and the action of the story is coming to an end. Example: The glass slipper fits Cinderella.

10 Resolution The conflict is resolved, the story ends (unless of course, the author wants an ending that is open to interpretation). Example: Romeo and Juliet die.

11 Special Techniques of Plot  Suspense- excitement or tension  Foreshadowing- hint or clue about what will happen in story  Flashback- interrupts the normal sequence of events to tell about something that happened in the past  Surprise Ending/Irony- conclusion that reader does not expect

12 Theme  A central message, concern, or insight into life expressed through a literary work  Can be expressed by one or two sentence statement about human beings or about life  May be stated directly or implied  Interpretation uncovers the theme

13 Example of Theme Recurring vs. Universal Recurring – a theme specific to a particular time period. Universal – a theme relevant to all. Some Examples: The Outsiders – Bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. The Giver – The importance of the individual. Love is able to break through all barriers.

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