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Spread of Chinese Civilization VietnamKoreaJapan.

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1 Spread of Chinese Civilization VietnamKoreaJapan

2 Korea 313-618: Three Kingdoms period All vie for control, but unable to unite Korea Influx of Chinese influence 618-668: Silla (Korean) & Tang dynasties ally to conquer Korea 668-918: Silla independent rule 918-1392: Koryo dynasty 1231-1392 – Mongol Overlords 1392-1910: Yi dynasty

3 Vietnam 111 BCE – 939 CE = Chinese rule 39 CE: Trung Sisters lead revolt 939-1500 = Vietnam breaks free of Chinese rule various dynasties continue Chinese-style policies

4 Spread of Chinese Civilization: The Basics… Tribute SystemTribute System BuddhismBuddhism SinificationSinification

5 Korea: Between China & Japan Middle Kingdom Vietnam Korea Japan

6 Independent, but… Korea filled with political rivalry Korea filled with political rivalry Koguryo, Paekae, Silla Koguryo, Paekae, Silla Tang & Silla (668-918) Tang & Silla (668-918) Koryo (918-1392) Koryo (918-1392) Long lived in shadow of China Long lived in shadow of China Han expansion Han expansion Buddhism Buddhism Settlers during Chinese weakness Settlers during Chinese weakness

7 Civilization for the Few Society & sinification dominated by elite Society & sinification dominated by elite Everyone oriented to service aristocrats Everyone oriented to service aristocrats Schooling Schooling Administrative techniques Administrative techniques Exam system bureaucrats – Elite only Exam system bureaucrats – Elite only Flexibility of women replaced Flexibility of women replaced Confucianism Confucianism Only Buddhism permeates masses Only Buddhism permeates masses

8 Effects Elite & legitimizing rule Elite & legitimizing rule Hangul Hangul 1392-1910: Yi 1392-1910: Yi Hermit Kingdom Hermit Kingdom

9 Vietnam: b/t China & SE Asia Middle Kingdom Vietnam Korea Japan

10 Conquest & Sinification Vassal in tribute system Vassal in tribute system Aware of China’s superiority Aware of China’s superiority Han & Tang expansion results in full incorporation by China (111 BCE-939 CE) Han & Tang expansion results in full incorporation by China (111 BCE-939 CE) Expected to assimilate “southern barbarians” Expected to assimilate “southern barbarians”

11 Elite & the Masses Vietnamese elite value some advantages of Sinification: Vietnamese elite value some advantages of Sinification: Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism Political & military organization Political & military organization But strong popular identity remains: But strong popular identity remains: Language Language Nuclear families Nuclear families Freedom of women Freedom of women Customs Customs

12 Effects Political resistance remains Political resistance remains Cross-class, cross-gender Cross-class, cross-gender Vietnam expands southward Vietnam expands southward Cultural influence remains Cultural influence remains Mandate of Heaven Mandate of Heaven True exam system True exam system Buddhism Buddhism

13 Japan: Selective Borrowing Middle Kingdom Vietnam Korea Japan

14 Imperial Age 600-794 CE: Deliberate borrowing 600-794 CE: Deliberate borrowing Taika Reforms: aimed at creating a Chinese-styled central government Taika Reforms: aimed at creating a Chinese-styled central government Son of Heaven, but not Mandate of Heaven Son of Heaven, but not Mandate of Heaven Chinese script & histories Chinese script & histories Professional bureaucracy & peasant conscript army Professional bureaucracy & peasant conscript army Undermined by Buddhist monasteries & aristocrats Undermined by Buddhist monasteries & aristocrats

15 Heian Period 794-857 CE: Early Heian Period 794-857 CE: Early Heian Period Adapting borrowed ideas Adapting borrowed ideas Ultra-civilized – superficial focus on beauty & social interactions Ultra-civilized – superficial focus on beauty & social interactions Tale of Genji Tale of Genji 857-1185: Transition in the Late Heian 857-1185: Transition in the Late Heian Attempts at centralization fail amidst powerful aristocrats (court & regional) Attempts at centralization fail amidst powerful aristocrats (court & regional)

16 Feudal Age 1185-1600: Feudal Age of warfare 1185-1600: Feudal Age of warfare Daimyo Daimyo Samurai Samurai Bushido Bushido Peasants Peasants Merchants Merchants Age of gradual economic growth Age of gradual economic growth Merchants & internal trade Merchants & internal trade Guilds & artisans Guilds & artisans

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