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Myths, Legends & Folktales Mrs. Quinn English 7. Myths, Legends, & Folk tales Myths Legend or Folk tale M’su Carencro & Talk Origin of FireDemeter & Persephone.

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Presentation on theme: "Myths, Legends & Folktales Mrs. Quinn English 7. Myths, Legends, & Folk tales Myths Legend or Folk tale M’su Carencro & Talk Origin of FireDemeter & Persephone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Myths, Legends & Folktales Mrs. Quinn English 7

2 Myths, Legends, & Folk tales Myths Legend or Folk tale M’su Carencro & Talk Origin of FireDemeter & Persephone John HenryGrab Bag $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 M,L, or FT $100. Written to explain the creation of the world and its phenomena

4 M,L, or FT $100 What is a myth? No Promises in the Wind Myths, Legends, & Folk tales

5 M,L, or FT $200 Not set in a particular time or place

6 M,L, or FT $200 What is a folk tale? No Promises in the Wind

7 M,L, or FT $300 Written specifically to teach a lesson

8 M,L, or FT $300 What is a folk tale? Promises in the Wind

9 M,L, or FT $400 Rooted in an historical time period.

10 M,L, or FT $400 What is a legend? No Promises in the Wind

11 M,L, or FT $500 Told to entertain or to pass time on cold winter’s nights or on wagons heading west.

12 M,L, or FT $500 What is ALL- myth, legend, and folk tale? Promises in the Wind

13 Origin of Fire $100 The Nez Perce need fire for what reason.

14 Origin of Fire $100 Who is to cook raw food or to keep their freezing children warm? Click here to return

15 Origin of Fire $200 Explain one way the boy was Brave Determined Or confident.

16 Origin of Fire $200 What is he continued even after the medicine men threatened to kill him? He continued making plans even after people laughed at him? He took his time preparing for the job? Click here to return No Promises in the Wind

17 Origin of Fire $300 This is what happened when the medicine men beat on their drums?

18 Origin of Fire $300 What is nothing? No Promises in the Wind

19 Origin of Fire $400 Fire and the abalone shell.

20 Origin of Fire $400 What are the phenomena explained in this myth? No Promises in the Wind

21 Origin of Fire $500 He was never seen or heard of after this.

22 Origin of Fire $500 What is what happened to the boy who brought fire? No Promises in the Wind

23 M’su Carencro & Talk $100 Both stories are folk tales because

24 M’su Carencro & Talk $100 What are They have talking animals They are not set in a specific time or place They teach a lesson? No Promises in the Wind

25 M’su Carencro & Talk $200 Manguer de Poulet tries to show M’su Carencro how to hunt his own food by showing off in the sky. He therefore demonstrates this trait

26 M’su Carencro & Talk $200 What is arrogance? No Promises in the Wind

27 M’su Carencro & Talk $300 “Fantastic…Imagine that. A talking stool!”

28 M’su Carencro & Talk $300 What is what the stool says at the end of “Talk”? No Promises in the Wind

29 M’su Carencro & Talk $400 The Chicken Hawk is expected to catch the rabbit, but does not. This is an example of which type of irony?

30 M’su Carencro & Talk $400 What is situational irony? No Promises in the Wind

31 M’su Carencro & Talk $500 Good things come to those who wait.

32 M’su Carencro & Talk $500 What is the lesson to in M’su Carencro? No Promises in the Wind

33 Demeter & Persephone $100 The giants have broken out of the underworld and are reeking havoc on the earth.

34 Demeter & Persephone $100 What is why Pluto left the underworld to go to Earth? No Promises in the Wind

35 Demeter & Persephone $200 I shot Pluto through the heart at the request of my mother Aphrodite.

36 Demeter & Persephone $200 Who is Eros? No Promises in the Wind

37 Demeter & Persephone $300 Demeter blames ? for kidnapping her daughter.

38 Demeter & Persephone $300 What is the earth? No Promises in the Wind

39 Demeter & Persephone $400 Persephone can only leave the underworld for 8 months because…

40 Demeter & Persephone $400 What is she ate 4 seeds from the pomegranate fruit? No Promises in the Wind

41 Demeter & Persephone $500 Based on our discussion of myths in class, “Demeter & Persephone” is considered a myth because…

42 Demeter & Persephone $500 What is it explains the creation of the seasons? No Promises in the Wind

43 John Henry $100 I am a narrative poem with musical qualities like rhyme, rhythm, & repetition.

44 John Henry $100 What is a ballad? No Promises in the Wind

45 John Henry $200 John Henry is in conflict with the steam drill. What type of conflict is this?

46 John Henry $200 What is man vs. machine? No Promises in the Wind

47 John Henry $300 How does John Henry tell the reader that the outcome of the conflict is not going to just good?

48 John Henry $300 What is he repeats “Gonna be the death of me”? No Promises in the Wind

49 John Henry $400 Give 3 reasons why John Henry is considered a legend.

50 John Henry $400 What are: It is set in a real and familiar and environment It is rooted in an historical event It describes the actions of a “hero”? No Promises in the Wind

51 John Henry $500 What element of a ballad is used to help the story teller remember the story?

52 John Henry $500 What are It repeats words and phrased? No Promises in the Wind

53 Grab Bag $100 Which is set in a real and familiar environment?

54 Grab Bag $100 What is a legend? No Promises in the Wind

55 Grab Bag $200 How far did the steam drive vs. John Henry?

56 Grab Bag $200 What is steam drill 9 and John Henry 14? No Promises in the Wind

57 Grab Bag $300 How did medicine men react when the boy said he could bring down fire? How did the people react?

58 Grab Bag $300 What is The medicine men threatened to kill him & The people laughed? No Promises in the Wind

59 Grab Bag $400 What is the irony in the ballad “John Henry”?

60 Grab Bag $400 What is John Henry beats the drill but dies, fulfilling the prophecy, “Gonna be the death of me”? No Promises in the Wind

61 Grab Bag $500 What is the process of how stories are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth?

62 Grab Bag $500 What is oral tradition? No Promises in the Wind

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