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Monday, August 25 th Vocabulary Bellwork Writing Ideas and Organization Preview short story Making predictions Conflict Vocabulary Homework: Spend 10 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, August 25 th Vocabulary Bellwork Writing Ideas and Organization Preview short story Making predictions Conflict Vocabulary Homework: Spend 10 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, August 25 th Vocabulary Bellwork Writing Ideas and Organization Preview short story Making predictions Conflict Vocabulary Homework: Spend 10 minutes working on writing

2 Vocabulary Bellwork Pick up a vocab sheet, then use the literature book to define the following words. pretext judicious indulgent revise tyrant

3 Writing: Ideas Ideas make up the content of a piece Four Steps: Selecting an idea (topic) Narrowing an idea (focus) Elaborating on an idea (development) Finding the best information to convey the main idea (details)

4 Organization Organization is the structure and logic of a piece Examine: the beginnings and ends of pieces transitions sequence words movement and pacing (how much information to present at a time)

5 Voice Voice is the heart and soul of a piece of writing personal flavor spirit voice makes it yours and yours alone

6 Discussion-- I have two main goals for you: to become a better thinker to become a better communicator How do you envision using technology in your classrooms and at home to help you reach those two goals? What do you hope to see your teachers do with the technology available to them?

7 Tuesday, August 26 th DOL Poetry: “Maybe Dats Youwr Pwoblem Too,” by Jim Hall Writing Time Preview “Cub Pilot on the Mississippi” Homework: Study for Good Readers Habits Quiz

8 Bellwork: DOL Practice Rewrite each sentence, replacing the noun shown in parentheses with its plural form. 1. We stopped to buy some (peach). 2. I spent all day Saturday raking (leaf). 3. The (lady) were screaming because they were afraid of the (mouse). 4. (Wolf) are afraid of humans.

9 “Maybe Dats Youwr Pwoblem Too” Go back into this funny poem on your own, read it to yourself, and sound its words in your head. This time, please underline your favorite lines—the ones that struck you. Then, would you look for and mark the lines that sum up what this poem is about: what is Jim Hall getting at in this deranged monologue?

10 What can you do? Something you can do as a poet is adopt a persona—choose someone from popular culture, a fairy tale, a myth, a legend—then explore what his or her life is really like in a poem.

11 Assignment Write me a letter in which you tell me what you are excited about, nervous about, and interested in concerning technology in our school. ideas organizing Focus on expressing your ideas clearly and organizing your ideas into paragraphs. Be honest and be yourself.

12 Anticipation Guide It’s important to follow a boss’s orders, no matter what. It’s okay to be harsh with young and inexperienced people in order to teach them a lesson. Sometimes, violence is the only way to settle a problem.

13 Wednesday, August 27 th SAT/ARMT Practice Good Readers Quiz “Cub Pilot on the Mississippi” Conflict Read Homework: Vocabulary Quiz Friday

14 Bellwork: SAT/ARMT Practice Read and answer the questions on page AL-35 of the textbook. You can answer them on the same page as last week’s questions. Be prepared to explain your answers. If you finish, take a moment to look over the “Good Readers” notes for the quiz.

15 Good Readers Quiz 1-3. Name three ways to tell if you are stuck while reading. 4-6. Name three ways to get unstuck while reading. 7-9. Name three things good readers do. 10. On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being “I read but I don’t understand any of it,” to 10, being “I understand everything I read,” where would you rate yourself? Why?

16 Conflict Conflict is the struggle between two opposing forces. External conflict occurs when a character struggles against another character, natural forces, or some aspect of society. Internal conflict is a struggle between competing feelings, beliefs, needs, or desires within a single character. For example, a character might struggle with feelings of guilt. In the resolution of a story, problems are worked out in a way that eliminates the conflict.

17 Thursday, August 28 th Bellwork: Reading Skill—Setting Purpose Grammar: Quotation Marks “Cub Pilot on the Mississippi” Homework: Review for vocabulary quiz

18 Bellwork: Reading Skill Pick up the page with “The House” on it. Get out a highlighter. Read “The House” and highlight the words you think are important.

19 Friday, August 28 th Vocabulary Quiz SSR Laptop Orientation 9:10—2 nd Period 10:50—3 rd Period 12:15—4 th Period Finish “Cub Pilot”—2 nd and 4 th Who Am I? Game Homework: None, have a great long weekend!

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