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CLC GERMANY May 2010: New German ExCo: Wolfram Nichell, Karin Wilbs, Ernst Langner, Veronika Jodlbauer, Maria Boxberg, Hildegard Joeres, Thomas Gertler.

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Presentation on theme: "CLC GERMANY May 2010: New German ExCo: Wolfram Nichell, Karin Wilbs, Ernst Langner, Veronika Jodlbauer, Maria Boxberg, Hildegard Joeres, Thomas Gertler."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLC GERMANY May 2010: New German ExCo: Wolfram Nichell, Karin Wilbs, Ernst Langner, Veronika Jodlbauer, Maria Boxberg, Hildegard Joeres, Thomas Gertler SJ, Oswald Zimmer

2 Main Topics / Concerns Simple lifestyle / live simply (individuals, community; swap ideas [magazine], more economic accommodation for Sp.Ex.; guest rooms?) “Spiritual language”: How do we speak about our faith? Do we? To whom? Our specific role in the church: Share CLC treasures; “Sentire cum Ecclesia” Political involvement: Inspired by the Ignatian indifference, not by fear

3 Project: Retreat House Ahmsen

4 Retreat House in Ahmsen
November 5, 2010: Inauguration under new CLC direction; CLC responsible for spritual footprint Johanna Merkt (lawyer, spiritual guide, mediator), head of the house, supported by team of 4 with different know-how and gifts Aims: - Give CLC a face - Make CLC / Ignatian spirituality (better) known in the north of Germany - Focus on Spiritual Exercises NW Germany, tranquil location, 20 rooms + 2 appartments for CLCers who want to stay, pray, work, live there for a while

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