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SmartReport Backend Reporting Tool © 2003 ITC Software

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Presentation on theme: "SmartReport Backend Reporting Tool © 2003 ITC Software"— Presentation transcript:

1 SmartReport Backend Reporting Tool © 2003 ITC Software

2 General Description SmartReport software system provides multi-user Web-based creation, management and use of backend reports in the company VPN. SmartReport implements basic operations with Crystal Reports ™ software.

3 Presentation Plan 1. Software Functionality Software Functionality 2. Development Tools and Technologies Development Tools and Technologies 3. Project Management Tools Project Management Tools 4. Summary Summary

4 Software Functionality Contents 1. Program Appearance Program Appearance 2. Personal Reports Set Personal Reports Set 3. Report Creation and Uploading Report Creation and Uploading 4. Use of Reports Use of Reports 5. Reports Maintenance Reports Maintenance 6. Administrator’s Functions Administrator’s Functions back

5 Program Appearance back

6 Personal Reports Set Personal reports set is organized as a hierarchical structure similar to the files/folders system in MS Windows ™ : files/folders creation/deletion; nested folders creation is available; changes of folders/files order. back samples

7 Sample1. Folder Creation back

8 Report Creation and Uploading Advanced User or Administrator of SmartReport can create a new report with Crystal Reports ™. Then he uses SmartReport features to upload the new report to the server. back samples

9 Sample2. Report Uploading back

10 Use of Reports An Authorized User can setup, view, print and export any report available to him. back samples

11 Sample3. Report Setup next back

12 Sample4. Report Viewer back

13 Reports Maintenance An Authorized User can also perform several standard actions with any report in his reports set: - copy; - move; - rename; - delete. back samples

14 Sample5. Reports Maintenance back

15 Administrator’s Functions Administrator performs a number of special tasks: Creation, management of users accounts, group assignment and deleting. Groups creation, management and deleting. Assignment of rights to a report, to a user or group. Supervision of reports execution schedule. Reports deleting. back samples

16 Sample6. Administrative Tools. Groups next back

17 Sample7. Administrative Tools. Users next back

18 Sample8. Administrative Tools. Reports back

19 Development Tools and Technologies SmartReport is designed as a well integrated Crystal Reports ™ superstructure. SmartReport is designed according to the distributed computing model. It is developed as a three-tier application. back

20 Since the system is made 3-tier, Client Modules are made very “thin”. They exchange data with Application Server. Client and Administrator Modules are developed as ActiveX components. HTML and JavaScript are used in Client Modules. Development Tools and Technologies back

21 Application Server provides “business logic” facilities for Client Modules. It is developed as a multithread Windows- application. Module of reports periodical update is developed as a Windows service. Development Tools and Technologies back

22 Oracle 8i RDBMS is used for storing the SmartReport database. Database structure is very clear and efficient. Report files are stored in the database. Thus all the direct report processing is developed at the layer of Oracle server procedures. Development Tools and Technologies back

23 Project Management Tools Due to the short period of time given for the system creation, SmartReport software system is designed and developed according to Extreme Programming techniques. However, reverse engineering is used to prepare all the necessary project documents. back

24 We are concerned about the permanent contact with the customer as one of the primary needs of the successful system development, thus we’ve prepared a special Internet site based on Rational standards. All information on current state of the project, all project documents, source codes, last software implementation, etc. are available on this Rational ™ site at all times. Project Management Tools back

25 Rational ™ Internet site includes: Requirements Vision Glossary Use-cases Database diagrams Classes Diagrams MS Project dynamic diagrams etc. Project Management Tools back

26 Project Management Tools 1. Placing the server with Rational site behind the carefully tuned corporate firewall of Inreco LAN company.Inreco LAN 2. Using password protection for accessing the site. 3. Using secure SSL data exchange protocol. Privacy and security of the Rational ™ site are ensured by: back

27 Summary SmartReport software system is developed exactly according to the set of the initial requirements. The best up-to-date tools and technologies are used for the SmartReport software system development. Permanent customer participation in the system development is provided by the specially created Rational ™ Internet site. back

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