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BIODEEP MEETING (Venice, October 13-15 2003). Problems experienced during 2001 cruise Unreliable performance in high pressure (>2500 mwd) of SCIPACK/SCISKID.

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Presentation on theme: "BIODEEP MEETING (Venice, October 13-15 2003). Problems experienced during 2001 cruise Unreliable performance in high pressure (>2500 mwd) of SCIPACK/SCISKID."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIODEEP MEETING (Venice, October 13-15 2003)

2 Problems experienced during 2001 cruise Unreliable performance in high pressure (>2500 mwd) of SCIPACK/SCISKID umbilical cable  some deployments aborted Failure of MODUS thrusters  detailed surveys made with extreme difficulty Failure to some components  STAND-BY Insufficient quality of the video documentation system  bad images taken

3 Remedial actions New SCIPACK/SCISKID umbilical cables manufactured and tested 3 lengths now available: 10, 25 and 200 m

4 Remedial actions All failed components repaired and/or replaced SCIPACK TV camera SCIPACK altimeter

5 Thrusters The electronics of all thrusters have been updated by the manufacturer Tecnadyne and became more reliable. The entire MODUS system has been tested before conducting the SN-1 observatory recovery in May 2003 successfully. Nevertheless 2 thrusters showed problems during the GNDT recovery, without harming the mission. For BIODEEP cruise the configuration shall be: 2 thruster mounted on MODUS 2 thruster available as spare For the BIODEEP mission we don’t see a risk, as a wide range of operation is not necessary.

6 Comparison between ‘old’ and improved Video-System Component2001 cruiseImprovements CamerasNeeded: 4 at MODUS available 4: 2x col, 2x b/w Needed: 4 at MODUS available 6: - 3x b/w (incl. 1x Hi-Res), - 3x col (incl 1x Zoom) Control-Racks1x Video (=2 Monitors), 1x Steering, 1x Sonar 2x Video (=4 Monitors), 1x Steering, 1x Sonar Video-LineOne VGA signal in-line for two Monitors One VGA signal splitted for four Monitors=better quality images Video-RecordingTwo Recorder for two Monitors Four Recorder for four Monitors

7 left: 2001 cruise equipment for MODUS steering and control units right: new configuration with additional second 19” Video-System rack Video documentation system

8 New Zoom-Camera from DeepSea-Power&Light: Super SeaCam 6000, 12xZoom, autofocus Comparison between ‘old’ and improved Video-System

9 Configurations for 2003 cruise 200 m sw/brine interface body brines + HP5l survey 10 m 15 m

10 System upgrades more sensors  transmissometer added to SCIPACK CTD. Integration of other sensors possible (CH 4, pH, Eh, O 2, etc.), depends on budget possibility to explore the second interface of Urania basin  long cable provided sensors at two levels (e.g. at two ends of the Niskin bottles) for a more accurate sampling at the interface  no sensor provided by CONISMA  not implemented Additional TV camera on SCIPACK  no budget for that in BIODEEP Integration of IMBC multicorer  TUB and IMBC to coordinate

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