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6 acids Sulfuric H2SO4 Nitric HNO3 Hydrochloric HCl

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1 6 acids Sulfuric H2SO4 Nitric HNO3 Hydrochloric HCl
Acids & Bases chapter15 6 acids Sulfuric H2SO4 Nitric HNO3 Hydrochloric HCl Phosphoric H3PO4 …cola Carbonic H2CO3 Acetic Acid HC2H3O2 …vinegar What do you notice? What makes an acid an acid?

2 Acids … ionize themselves… break apart into their ions.
HCl + H20 H+ + Cl- Acids … ionize themselves… break apart into their ions. Remember water is very polar H20 + HCl H Cl- You may see…either… H30+ or H+ These have names: hydronium ion, , hydrogen ion, , proton ion.

3 Bases dissociate ….. Break apart producing hydroxide
Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 Aluminum Hydroxide Al(OH)3 Ammonia NH3 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate NaHCO3 What do you notice? What makes a base a base? (OH) or the ability to make an (OH) Base solutions are sometimes called ALKALINE SOLUTIONS Bases dissociate ….. Break apart producing hydroxide NaOH + H20 Na OH- NH H20 NH OH-

4 Can tell 2 ways memorize them arrows HX + H20 H30+ + X- label
Strong vs. Weak p.460 & p. 469 Can tell 2 ways memorize them arrows HX + H20 H X- label Strong acids: HCl, H2SO4, HNO ionize completely Weak acids: H2CO3, HC2H3O2, H3PO4 Strong Base: group 1 or 2 metal hydroxides Weak base: NH3 dissociates completely

5 HF + H20 F- + H30+ H2SO4 + H20 HSO4 + H30+

6 depends on: H+ production
Strength of acids depends on: H+ production polarity of bonds ionization The greater the polarity of bond = greater strength The greater the ionization = greater strength Strong acids= HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 Weak Acid = H3PO4, H2CO3, HC2H3O2 Notice: strength of acid does not depend on number of hydrogens


8 depends on: OH- production polarity of bonds dissociation of hydroxide
Strength of bases depends on: OH- production polarity of bonds dissociation of hydroxide The greater the polarity of bond = greater strength The greater the dissociation = greater strength Base solutions are sometimes called alkaline solutions Strong Bases: NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2, Ba(OH)2 Weak Base: NH3 Note: Alkali metals are stronger than alkaline earth….why? Strong Acid/ Strong Base = Strong electrolyte……..why?






14 pH Scale pH measures [concentration] of H30+ or OH-
pH ….. O – 14 Units of 10 4.6 pH is 10x stronger than 5.6pH 4.6 pH has 10x [H30] than 5.6 pH Pure water is neutral…..pH 7 “self-ionization of water Water produces ½ H+ and ½ OH- [H+] [OH-]

15 20 minute lab Red litmus paper turns blue in base
Blue litmus paper stays blue in base Determine pH using the rainbow chart

16 pH = [H30+] or [H+] pH = power of the Hydrogen
Calculating pH from concentrations pH = -log [H3O+] pOH = -log [OH-] pH + pOH = 14 ws.17.24 Calculator number exponent Find pH of a solution of hydronium concentration of [3 x 10-5]? pH = -log [3 x 10-5] = Yellow 2nd (-) log EE Yellow 2nd (-) log EE

17 [1 x 10-3 M] HCl [1 x 10-5 M] HNO3 [0.001 M ] HCl [0.09 M ] HBr
Calculate pH

18 pH + pOH = 14 ph pOH 2 =14 8 =14 6 =14 13 =14 4 =14 7 =14

19 Find the pH of a solution of Hydroxide concentration of [3 x 10-5]
(-)log = BUT it is hydroxide so… is the pOH….so subtract it from 14. Yellow 2nd EE

20 Calculate pH [1 x 10-4 M] NaOH [1 x 10-3 M] KOH [1 x 10-6 M] LiOH [3.2 x 10-2 M] Mg(OH)2 [0.08 M] Ca(OH)2

21 Hydronium concentration of [.001M] Hydroxide concentration of [.001 M]
Calculate pH Hydronium concentration of [.001M] Hydroxide concentration of [.001 M] H+ concentration of [ 1 x 10-5 M] OH concentration of [1 x 10-5 M] Ws.14.1

22 The molarity of hydroxides in a pancake syrup is
Ws.17.26 A popular soda pop drink is measured to have a hydronium concentration of 1.34 x What is the pH and is it acidic, base or neutral? The molarity of hydroxides in a pancake syrup is 1.0 x 10-8M. Pancake syrup by law must have a pH lower than 7 to be sold in the open market. Calculate the pH and identify if acid, base, neutral. Can it be sold?

23 3. You work for Colgate Toothpaste
3. You work for Colgate Toothpaste. You need to make stannic fluoride solution of hydroxide molarity [2.44 x 10-4]. What is the ph? Is it acid, base, neutral?


25 “If given pH…find antilog” negative # = [hydronium conc.]
If pH is what is the [hydronium] or the molarity? “If given pH…find antilog” negative # = [hydronium conc.] = [ ] or [4 x 10-8] “secret….hydronium concentration is the molarity ” BUT::::: if they also ask for hydroxide concentration one must use the equilibrium constant for water::::::::: Equilibrium Constant for water is Kw = [H+] [OH-] Kw = [1 x 10-7] [1 x 10-7] Kw = 1 x 10-14 Yellow 2nd log

26 The pH of an orange is 4.0pH. What are the [H30] and [OH] in this fruit? What is its Molarity?
Lemons have a pH What are the hydronium and the hydroxide concentrations? What is its molarity?

27 What is the molarity of pH is 12.9 for a Calcium hydroxide solution?


29 Remember: 3 formulas: pH=-log[H3O]
pOH=-log[OH] pH + pOH = 14 Remember: [H3O] is hydronium concentration or…..molarity for an Acid or…..H+ proton concentration Remember: [OH] is hydroxide concentration or molarity for a base Remember: if given pH use antilog to calculate [H3O] [OH] put pH in as negative number Remember: Kw = [H3O] [OH] = 1x10-14 Kw = [1x10-7] [1x 10-7] Kw = 1x10-14

30 Neutralization Reaction
p.474 Strong acid + Strong Base salt + water Look on reference table: 4c HCl + H20 H Cl- NaOH + H20 OH Na+ Put them together HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O Salt: a compound composed of a cation+ from an base and an anion- from a acid.

31 Stomach Ache CaCO3 ….tums HCl + Mg(OH)2 …milk of magnesia
NaCO3 …. Rolaids Neutralize …………..salt + H20 HCl + CaCO3 CaCl + CO2 + H20 HCl + Mg(OH)2 MgCl + H20 HCl + NaCO3 NaCl + CO2 + H2O Which will make you burp? Tums and Rolaids… that is why old people prefer milk of magnesia

32 Titration: the controlled addition and measurement of the amount of a solution of known concentration required to react completely with a measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration p.497 Equivalence point: The point at which the two solutions used in a titration are present in chemically equivalent amounts p. 498 Indicator: an organic substance that changes color whether in acid or base…….Phenolphthalein

33 n = # of (H) or (OH) in the molecule Ws 19-3
Calculating Titration Problems ws 19-3 On your reference sheet nM1V1 = nM2V2 n = # of (H) or (OH) in the molecule Ws 19-3 1. A volume of 30mL of 0.25M HCl neutralizes a 50mL sample of KOH solution. What is the concentration of KOH? Create new copyrght

34 6. A volume of 50mL of 0.30M HCl neutralizes a 60mL sample Ca(OH)2 solution. What is the concentration of Ca(OH)2?

35 Arrhenius acids & bases p. 459
2 acid / base theories Arrhenius acids & bases p. 459 Arrhenius acid = a chemical that increases H+ ions. Arrhenius base = a chemical that increases OH- ions “limited because must be in water….not everything in water..p.464” Bronsted-Lowery acids & bases p.464 Bronsted-Lowery acid = a chemical that is a proton donor (H+) Bronsted-Lowery base = a chemical that is a proton acceptor (H+) “ notice no mention of OH”

36 Arrhenius H+donor OH- producer Bronsted-Lowery H+donor H+ acceptor
Conjugate acid/ base the species that forms in result of gaining or losing a proton (H+) acid base Arrhenius H+donor OH- producer Bronsted-Lowery H+donor H+ acceptor Overhead worksheet 15.2,3,, 15.4






42 Remember Equilibrium Keq = [conc] [conc]
Overhead 88 , quick lab Remember Equilibrium Keq = [conc] [conc] ….(g) and (aq) but not liquids nor solids Equilibrium Constant for water is Kw = [H+] [OH-] Kw = [1 x 10-7] [1 x 10-7] Kw = 1 x 10-14 On chemistry table….constant like.. pie = 3.14 r = .0821 We can use this constant (Kw = 1 x 10-14) to calculate pH of a solution Ws problems 17.


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