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Proposed Roadmap Tables on STRJ-WG1
SOC Design Productivity, SOC Low Power, and DSM related issues STRJ-WG1 March 2000 February 9,
Contents (1)SOC Design Productivity
Assumptions and study reaching to the table P.3 - P.9 SOC Design Productivity Table P.10 (2)SOC Low Power Assumptions and study reaching to the table P.11 - P.17 SOC Low Power Table P.18 Potential solution map P.19 - p.20 (3)DSM Related Issues An overall DSM requirements table P.21 - p.22 Assumptions and study reaching to the table for each DSM issue those are Crosstalk noise, RC delay, EMI, IR drop and Electro-migraton P.23 - p.30 February 9,
SOC Design Productivity
Premises Technology Node, ASIC Usable Transistors, and DRAM capacity conform to ITRS99 ORTC. Die size remains around 10mm Application is not specified, but surely it is high-end SOC in each generation. Prospects Logic gate count ratio continuously decreases from 80%(1999) thru 50%(2002), 35%(2005), into 15%(2011). Contrarily, re-use circuit ratio within Logic gate count grows from 20% (1999), thru 50%(2002), 70%(2005), to be 90%(2011) . Power supply voltage goes down from 1.5V(1999) to 0.5V(2011) . Operation frequency goes up from 150MHz(1999) to 2000MHz(2011) . February 9,
SOC Design Productivity(cont.)
Assumptions Total design resource is in proportion to size of newly designed circuit, e.g. 1Man*Year as 360Kgates. There now exists approximately 50% design overhead for re-use circuit, namely it costs 50% of design resource with same size newly designed circuit. Contribution from both productivity improvement for Newly designed circuit and Overhead reduction for Re-use circuit are considered as gate size reduction for each circuit in accordance with amount of improvement and overhead reduction, respectively. February 9,
SOC Design Productivity(cont.)
Productivity Requirement Total required design resource is unchangingly kept around 10 Man*Year. Solution to be accomplished Both 30% improvement per every 3 years for newly designed circuit and 30% improvement per every 3 years for design overhead for re-use circuit are needed to be accomplished. February 9,
SOC Design Productivity(cont.)
SOC consists of Logic blocks and existing hard IP(mainly Memory) Logic block Existing hard IP Each logic block can be implemented by newly designed portion and re-use portion such as IPs Newly designed portion Re-use portion February 9,
SOC Design Productivity(cont.)
Total logic gate count and Newly/Re-use ratio Total gate count and Logic/Non-Logic ratio MGates MGates February 9,
SOC Design Productivity(cont.)
How to derive “Total Design Resource” and “Target Design Resource” Total Design Resource( M gates) = #(Newly designed circuit) x [Productivity improvement(%)] + #(Re-use circuit) x [Overhead in Re-use circuit(%)] Target Design Resource( Man * Year) = (Total Design Resource) / (Normalized unit Man*Year productivity) here, “Normalized unit Man*Year productivity” is assumed as 0.36M gates (Ex.) in 2005 Total Design Resource( M gates) = (11.64 x ( ) ) x (11.64 x 0.7 ) x = 3.67 M gates Hence, Target Design Resource( Man * Year) = / = Man * Year February 9,
SOC Design Productivity(cont.)
Man*Years 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1999 2002 2005 2011 Target No-imp Case A Case B No-imp : in case of No improvement Case A : in case of achieving improvement only for Newly designed circuit Case B : in case of achieving improvement only for Re-use overhead February 9,
SOC Design Productivity Table
Unit 1999 2002 2005 2011 Technology Node nm 180 130 100 50 ASIC Usable Transistors M Tr./cm2 20 54 133 811 (*1) Logic gate count ratio in area % 80% 50% 35% 15% Logic Gate count M gates 4.00 6.75 11.64 30.41 DRAM (Production) M bits/cm2 200 525 1,230 7,510 (*1) Embedded Memory size M bits 16 105 319.8 2,553 Power supply voltage V 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.5 Operation Frequency MHz 150 400 1000 2000 Design Resource (ratio) 1 1.7 2.9 7.6 Re-use circuit ratio % 20% 50% 70% 90% Newly designed circuit M gates 3.20 3.38 3.49 3.04 Productivity improvement % 100% 70% 49% 24.% (*2) Resource for Newly designed(A) M gates 3.20 2.36 1.71 0.73 Overhead in Re-use circuit % 50% 35% 24% 12% (*3) Resource for Re-use circuit(B) M gates 0.40 1.18 2.00 3.29 Total Design resource(A+B) M gates 3.60 3.54 3.67 4.02 Target Design Resource Man*Years 10 9.8 10.2 11.2 (*1) ITRS‘99 ORTC (*2) 30% off / 3 years improvement (*3) 30% off / 3 years improvement February 9,
SOC Low Power Premises & Prospects
Technology Node, ASIC Usable Transistors, DRAM capacity, and Power Supply Voltage conform to ITRS99 ORTC. Application is not specified, but surely it is high-end SOC in each generation. Other premises or prospects are consistent with those of “SOC Design Productivity”, such as ; Die size remains around 10mm Logic gate count ratio continuously decreases from 80%(1999) thru 50%(2002), 35%(2005), into 15%(2011) . Operation frequency goes up from 150MHz(1999) to 2000MHz(2011) . February 9,
SOC Low Power Assumptions
(cont.) Assumptions Power consumption follows a basic well-known formula, that is Power ∝ C * V * V * f . “C” can be decomposed into “size factor” and “process factor”. Total transistor count and technology node represents “size factor” and “process factor”, respectively. “V*V” is considered as “voltage factor”, and it is just internal voltage. Also, “f” is considered as “frequency factor”, and it is just max frequency. “total power trend” is defined as relative amount of power consumption for each year(2002, 2005, and 2011) comparing each of above four “factor” for 1999 as unit(=1). February 9,
SOC Low Power Assumptions(cont.)
“total power trend” is derived by the following calculation, “total power trend” = “size factor” x “process factor” x ”voltage factor” x “frequency factor” For “size factor”, constant coefficient 0.85 is applied to Memory portion, while 1.0 to Logic portion. Current SOC power consumption is assumed around 3W. February 9,
SOC Low Power Low Power Target A Scenario for solution to keep 3W
(cont.) Low Power Target Current power consumption(around 3W) should be kept at the minimum level. Ultimate goal is to achieve 0.5W in any technology node generation. A Scenario for solution to keep 3W By virtue of a set of potential low power technology, reduction for each “factor” in the following table is needed to be realized. 2002 2005 2011 Size factor 50% 60% 70% Process factor 10% 20% 30% Frequency factor 25% 50% 60% Voltage factor 17% 33% 40% February 9,
SOC Low Power How to derive “Total Power trend” and “Power estimation”
(cont.) How to derive “Total Power trend” and “Power estimation” Total Power trend = “size factor” x “process factor” x ”voltage factor” x “frequency factor” Power estimation (W) = (Total Power Trend) x 3W (Ex.) in 2002 Total Power trend = x 0.72 x 0.64 x 2.67 = 4.84 Hence, Power estimation( W ) = x 3 = W February 9,
SOC Low Power Total Power Trend with No Low Power Solution
(cont.) Total Power Trend with No Low Power Solution Total Power Trend with Low Power Solution Scenario to keep 3W February 9,
Low Power SOC Low Power (cont.) W February 9,
Low Power SOC Low Power Table February 9,
- Potential Solution Map -
Low Power SOC Low Power Design - Potential Solution Map - February 9,
- Potential Solution Map -
Low Power SOC Low Power Design - Potential Solution Map - What this figure means …. Trade-off line between operation frequency and size(Mtr) is put for each Technology node under the condition to accomplish 0.5W power consumption. A set of potential low power technology is overlaid in accordance with those contribution area and degree of range. Each potential technology is classified into three types( speed, size, and all ) with respect to main contribution. February 9,
DSM Related Issues Overall Premises & Prospects Issues to be examined
Technology Node and Power Supply Voltage conform to ITRS99 ORTC. Other premises or prospects are consistent with those of “SOC Design Productivity”, such as ; Die size remains around 10mm Operation frequency goes up from 150MHz(1999) to 2000MHz(2011) . Wiring metal is assumed Al till 2002 and Cu after 2005. Issues to be examined Crosstalk noise, RC delay, EMI, IR Drop, and ElectroMigration For each issue, “estimated value” will be examined in contrast to “required value” at each Technology node. February 9,
An overall DSM requirements table
(*a) Next Page See tab (*b) Next Page See tab (*c) Next Page See tab (*d) Next Page See tab See tab February 9,
(*a) (*b) (*c) (*d) An overall DSM requirements table
--- A supplementary explanation --- (*a) Derived from 3000 x ( wiring pitch ), and wiring pitch is assumed as 2X of Technology node. Namely, 1.08 mm is coming from 180nm x 2 x 3000. At least 3000 wiring pitch parallel interconnect is required. (*b) 10mm interconnect length is directly coming from that Die size remains 10mm Obviously, the longest interconnect probably reaches to 10mm under the above assumption. (*c) Source of these values is FCC classB standard( at a distance of 3.0m). (*d) Because estimated number of FFs in 2002 is 21, around 20 should be considered as required number of FFs at each Technology node era. February 9,
DSM Crosstalk Noise February 9,
- How the the maximal parallel length is calculated -
DSM - How the the maximal parallel length is calculated - February 9,
DSM Interconnect Delay February 9,
Electro Magnetic Interference
DSM Electro Magnetic Interference February 9,
DSM IR Drop February 9,
Assumed Conditions in table 2-1-4-5
DSM IR Drop Assumed Conditions in table H : Nominal Metal width is assumed as 2X of Technology node. J : Average power wire length from a pad to Trs. is assumed as 2mm. K : Nominal power wire width is assumed as 10X of Technology node. N : Typical gate width(W) is assumed as 10X of Technology node. Q : Overall average activation ratio is assumed as 5%. S : Maximum allowable IR drop ratio is defined as 10% of power supply voltage. V : Average number of clock Trs. driven by one FF is assumed as 4. February 9,
DSM Electro Migration February 9,
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