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Briefing to the Portfolio Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Briefing to the Portfolio Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Briefing to the Portfolio Committee
Progress on matters raised by the Committee On 2013/14 Annual Report Hearing 25 February 2015 Tittle Goes here…

2 Overview of the Presentation
Matters raised by the Committee Overview and Introduction of the delegation by the Acting Chairperson Corporate Head Office Lease and Disposal of Arcadia old office Appointment of CFO for PSiRA Governance Framework for PSiRA Council How awareness on the role of PSiRA was created Outcomes of PSiRA Research Projects Financial Sustainability and SIA Annual Fees Court Case Backlog on service provider criminal Investigations Security companies carrying out intelligence gathering activities Risk Management Exercise for PSiRA

3 PSiRA Delegation Council Members
Mr DCM (Joy) Rathebe : Acting Chairperson of Council Major Gen : Cynthia Philison : Councilor Adv. Nontokozo Mthembu : Councilor Mr Benjamin Ntuli : Councilor Executive Management Team Mr Manabela (Sam) Chauke : Director Adv. Philani Mthethwa : Deputy Director Law Enforcement Mr Raymond Kevan : Deputy Director Finance and Admin Ms Mpho Mofikoe : Deputy Communication and Training Ms Zanele Mthembu : Corporate Secretary

4 Progress on matters Head Office Lease Appointment of CFO
Feasibility Study still not completed by National Treasury Head Office Centurion Lease lapse in July 2016 Letter written for Minister’s final determination on PSiRA Arcadia premises Appointment of CFO Council appointed another CFO on 6 month contract Recruitment for permanent position to commence next month

5 Progress on matters Governance Framework
Former Chairperson’s (Mr Thula Bopela) contract lapsed in December 2014 Mr DCM (Joy Rathebe) was thereafter appointed acting Chairperson of Council The process to appoint a permanent Chairperson is underway with the Ministry of Police Council undertook a review of the entire governance framework with specific focus on: The development of a Council Charter guided by the King III principles Segregation of roles between Council and Executive Management Review of Delegation of Powers Development of Council Members The Council is committed to attend all Committee meetings

6 Progress on matters Awareness on the role of PSiRA
We have segmented our target market and have developed clearly defined awareness programmes and messages for each segment. The Authority is using an integrated approach to create awareness about the role of PSiRA and this includes: Compliance Forums Radio interviews Advertorials Industry Circulars Information brochures in relations to Registrations, Training and Law Enforcements Promotional items Trade Exhibitions Community outreach programme Consumer education workshops Capacity Building Workshops Social media platforms

7 Progress on matters Awareness on the role of PSiRA (….cont’d)
Some of the highlights for 2014/15 financial year include: Securing partnership with SABC (i.e regular interviews with Lesedi FM) Conducted over 25 awareness workshops with Security Service Providers in all 9 provinces (Security Officers and Businesses) Conducted 18 Compliance Forums across the country Conducted workshops on Sectorial Determination Conducted Capacity Building workshops with Training Providers Establishment of National Training Compliance Forum Conducted consumer education workshops with National Association of Managing Agents (NAMA) Participated in community outreach programmes (Gauteng, WC, EC, KZN) Participated in Industry Trade Exhibitions Conducted Youth Empowerment Awareness programmes Advertorials and regular press releases

8 Progress on matters Awareness on the role of PSiRA (….cont’d)
Some of the planned initiatives for 2015/16 financial year includes: Provincial Industry Compliance Forums Intensive media engagements (radio and TV interviews, advertorials etc.) Trade Exhibitions More community outreach programmes More consumer education workshops Capacity Building Workshops Youth Empowerment initiatives Strengthen our Social media platforms

9 Progress on matters Research Projects Outcomes & Findings: Guarding Sector (to ensure understanding and to enable PSiRA to respond appropriately) RESEARCH FINDINGS RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS Non-compliance & Training Deficits PSiRA should intensify its regulatory framework and training standards PSiRA database is not sufficient for regulation PSiRA should invest resources to allow for an interactive database Working conditions of security officers remains poor PSiRA should increase and intensify inspections Current classification of security service providers within PSiRA hinders effective regulation PSiRA should review the classification system and ensure that the regulation is targeted at a specific category of service There is a concerning growth of fly-by-night operators, which include the use of unregistered foreign nationals PSiRA should invoke stricter regulations and consider conducting inspections beyond official working hours to ensure compliance

10 Progress on matters Research Projects Outcomes & Findings: Electronic Security Sector (to ensure understanding and to enable PSiRA to respond appropriately) RESEARCH FINDINGS RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS Scarcity of information on the rapid growth of the electronic security sector hinders enforcement PSiRA should ensure that inspectors are trained in this specialised sector in order to ensure compliance with the law Definition of an “electronic security equipment” is currently not sufficient PSiRA should ensure that all electronic security systems (beyond the monitoring devices) are covered Many companies dealing with electronic security equipment operate without being registered with PSiRA PSiRA should ensure public awareness on the legal requirement for registration as security providers to those companies dealing in electronic security equipment PSiRA database does not have a category of “electronic security” PSiRA should have a specific regulations dealing with all these categories as they fall under the electronic security sector Absence of regulations which focuses on the electronic security sector remains a cause for concern PSiRA should develop regulations (informed by research and possibly the PSiRA Amendment Bill)

11 Progress on matters SIA Annual Fees Court Case
The Supreme Court of Appeal upheld the Appeal by SIA to set aside the Annual Fees Regulations introduced in 2012 New proposed Annual Fees Regulations for 2015 published for comments on 20 February 2015 New proposed regulations took on board comments , arguments by the SCA and PAJA Consultations open for 4 weeks including Consultative workshops across all 9 provinces All stakeholders including SIA to be consulted extensively Final new Annual fees regulations to be effective from April or May 2015 Refunds and credits notes to be adjudicated after the finalisation of the proposed new annual fees

12 Progress on matters Backlog on criminal investigations
SAPS requested to update on status of all PSiRA criminal cases registered countrywide Detective Branch reviewed status of criminal cases on CAS register and confirmed that the project is almost completed – awaiting final report Still awaiting case list of finalised cases from SAPS

13 Progress on matters Intelligence Gathering Activities by Security Service Providers State Security Agency(SSA) in collaboration with PSiRA to conduct an audit of service providers with interception and monitoring capabilities SSA to provide PSiRA Inspectorate with training on the identification and monitoring of security service providers with interception and monitoring capabilities Surveys and research projects to be commissioned to inform future policy development and legislation around the misuse and or contraventions of laws governing interception and monitoring with the private security industry

14 Progress on matters Risk Management Exercise for PSiRA
The Authority conducted a comprehensive operating risk analysis process with all the programmes in November 2014 and compiled a risk register  Risks were identified and each was rated in terms of impact and likelihood to determine the inherent risk level Risk mitigation strategies were identified for each risk to rate each risk with the controls in place to determine the residual risk level If the risk required a further reduction - future controls were identified to be implemented The risk register is a living document which will be reviewed continuously Strategic risks were identified during the Strategic Planning sessions held in January 2015

15 THANK YOU Tittle Goes here…

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