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Welcome to Kindergarten! Curriculum Night 2015-2016 Mrs. Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten! Curriculum Night 2015-2016 Mrs. Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten! Curriculum Night 2015-2016 Mrs. Johnson

2 A Little About Me

3 Components of a Balanced Literacy Program Reading Shared Read alouds –demo using reading strategies and comp - whole class Guided/Conference Small groups of similar level - learning new skills Independent Practicing skills learned (Dailies) Writing Shared Mini lesson and demo on writing strategy- whole class Guided/Conference Small group or 1-1 learning new skills Independent Practicing skills learned (Dailies/Writer’s Workshop)

4 During Daily Literacy Practice…… (we call them Dailies) Students can choose to: –Read to Self –Read to Someone –Listen to Reading –Word Work –Write to Self I will be working with a small group or 1-1

5 ISD Curriculum for Teaching Literacy Zoophonics Making Meaning (read alouds) Levelled Books (guided & independent reading) Fountas & Pinnell Phonics activities/word work Units of Study-Lucy Calkins (Writer’s Workshop)

6 Writing Lucy Calkins Units of Study We call it “Writer’s Workshop” Common Core standards require Information, Narrative, and Opinion Writing in Kindergarten Daily Sharing Kindergarten spelling Done as a whole group Students choose own topic and go through writing process (think, draw/write, add more, do it again!)

7 Handwriting “Handwriting Without Tears” Pencil Grip Names – First & Last Uppercase & Lowercase Letters Numbers Quick demonstration and quick practice May see some for homework

8 Math Content Strands Counting and Cardinality Know number names and the count sequence.( to 100) Counting to tell the number of objects Compare numbers Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. Number and Operations in Base Ten Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value. Measurement and Data Describe and compare measurable attributes. Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories. Geometry Identify and describe shapes Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes

9 Science 3 ‘Science to Go’ Lessons (PTA sponsors 2/3 of these presentations) 1. Earth Science – What is under your feet? 10/3/15 2. Physical Science – How do liquids and solids change? 1/16/16 3. Life Science – How do plants and animals meet their needs? 4/17/16 Science\non-fiction texts will also be incorporated into Guided Reading

10 Health Nutrition Healthy Habits Caring For Our Bodies –Skin –Hair –Teeth Emotional Health Stress Social Skills-Will be using Second Step curriculum

11 Field Trips Remlinger Farm – October 14th Field trip fees will be paid for online this year – information and instructions will be sent home with permission slips.

12 Classroom Rewards Filling the pom jar together as a whole class Reward: Class celebration Earning Cougar Awards for making individual good choices Reward: Choose from menu

13 Volunteers! I will need many parent volunteers throughout the school year! This could include attending a field trip, being our art docent, room coordinator, and/or working with small groups or individual students (Please fill out sign up form on the table if you are interested) All volunteers will need to fill out a WSP background check. Sorry! – no siblings allowed during volunteer time

14 Art Docent Work with PTA art program to teach an art lesson once a month. Training coming up – End of September You get to channel your inner artist!

15 Room Coordinator Make a class ‘friendship list’ Plan Class Parties (Halloween & Valentine’s Day, graduation) There may be a couple more events\projects

16 Specialist Schedule PE – Monday (kids need sneakers) Music - Friday Library - Thurasday o Books are kept at school in student book boxes, until after Spring Break Damaged or lost books need to be paid for. Computer Lab – 1 st Friday of every month, starting after Winter Break o IXL o Starfall o Tumblebooks

17 How we Communicate… Take Home Folder: These go home every day. Please check them & empty them every night. Anything for me goes in here. Transportation changes must be in writing (email or note) Classroom Phone:: 837-7211 Email: Newsletters: 2X\month for Sept & Oct, then monthly If you ever want to chat with me about your child, I am happy to set up a time to meet.

18 Report Cards & Conferences Report cards will be available on line in November, March, and June. We will have parent-teacher conferences in December (An email with sign-up instructions will be sent home 2 weeks prior)

19 Homework Literacy: –Daily Reading (PTA Eager Reader Program) –Take Home Book Program (more info coming in Oct.) Math: –Math activities on IXL website (look for: information, login & password coming home soon) –Homelinks from Everyday Math Other: -Handwriting, phonics etc. -Second Step (Social Skills Curriculum)

20 Things for Parents to Take\Do Tonight Sign up for volunteering PTA Membership Fill out green Going Home card (this will go on their backpack for the first 2 weeks)

21 Thank you for Coming! You are now officially a partner in education!

22 ? Q & A ? For the benefit of the group please, others you can e- mail me

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