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Welcome to Ms. Benson’s First Grade Classroom Stay Up To Date

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2 Welcome to Ms. Benson’s First Grade Classroom

3 Stay Up To Date  Click like to receive updates in your feed  Text @msbensonsf to 81010

4 “E” Enjoyment Engagement Enthusiasm

5 PEAKS Prepared to Learn Excel Every Day Act Responsibly Kind Toward Others Silent Transitions

6 Schedule Guided Reading/Language Arts Recess/Lunch: 10:35 – 11:00/11:00 – 11:25 Writing Math Recess: 1:30-1:45 Social Studies/Science/Art Art: The Great Art Program – If you are interested in being in charge or helping out, please contact the office. Music (9:40) and Library (12:20) on Mondays PE (8:45) Wednesday  If there is any reason your child shouldn’t participate, please send me a note.

7 Homework Reading: 20 minutes  Raz Kids  Light Steps Spelling: Sorting and Writing Words  Words Their Way (Need Volunteers, Please)  Monday: Sort and Write  Tuesday: Sort and Choice  Wednesday: Sort and Choice  Thursday: Sort and Practice Test  Grading Math: Moby Max  2 Lessons a week *Please communicate with me, if you have homework issues.* *Dockets come home every night and come back every day. -Reading homework will Start next week -Spelling and Math will start soon – Please watch my blog for more details.

8 Classroom Management Super Improvers: Positive improvements are acknowledged Whole Class Reward: We are currently trying to earn a play dough activity. Discipline:  Re-teaching and practicing the rule  Trying to catch the student independently following the rule.  Contacting parents if the problem persists *Fighting and Bullying will result in parent contact and referral to the office.

9 Birthdays We will celebrate your child’s birthday in class by making a “Birthday Book” According to our health policy, we can’t pass out treats. You will stopped at the office You may, if you wish, pass out a sticker, pencil etc. (optional) You may donate a new book to the class with the name of your child written in the front cover. (optional) If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate their ½ birthday.

10 Volunteer Hours Help in the classroom (Sign ups are on the horseshoe table.) Help plan parties Prepare materials at home Help prepare our spelling program Prepare and make a presentation to the class about your occupation. Suggest ways you would like to help

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