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Diagnostic. Laboratory studies are used for two purposes: confirm the diagnosis determine the extent of organ involvement and severity of complications.

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1 Diagnostic

2 Laboratory studies are used for two purposes: confirm the diagnosis determine the extent of organ involvement and severity of complications.

3 Patient Laboratory Worksheet Blood Chemistry -Na, K, BUN, Creatinine, Alkaline phosphatase, iPO4, iCa, SGOT, SGPT CBC (complete blood count) MAT Ultrasound (whole abdomen) Chest X-ray Anti-HAV IgM, HBsAg, AntiHBs, AntiHBc IgG

4 Laboratory Findings In Leptospirosis ESR – Increased Leukocyte Count – ranges from 3,000-26,000/microliter Mild Thrombocytopenia Elevated levels of Bilirubin & ALP Mild increase in serum levels of aminotransferases PT may be prolonged Elevated Creatine Phosphokinase Harrison’s, Internal Medicine, 17 th Ed.

5 Radiologic Findings Patchy alveolar pattern, corresponds to scattered alveolar hemorrhage, affect lower lobes in the periphery of the lung fields. Harrison’s, Internal Medicine, 17 th Ed.

6 BLOOD CHEMISTRY09/1609/1809/1909/21 Normal Values BUN41.629.421.3 7–20 mg/dL Creatinine3. 0.6–1.2 ng/mL Alkaline phosphatase166 33–96 U/L Total bilirubin5.3 0.3–1.3 mg/dL Direct bilirubin4.2 0.1–0.4 mg/dL Indirect bilirubin1.1 0.2–0.9 mg/dL Na130134142 136–146 meq/L K3.73.34.7 3.5–5.0 meq/L iPO42.8 2.5–4.3 mg/dL iCa1.06 4.5–5.3 mg/dL

7 URINALYSIS09/16/0909/17/09Normal Values ColorYellow TransparencySlightly turbid pH5.0 5.0–9.0 Specific Gravity1.0101.0151.001–1.035 Albumin-- Sugar-- RBCs5-7/hpf0-1/hpf0–2/high power field Pus cells3-6/hpf 0–2/high power field Squamous cellsFew None Bacteria++None Amorphous urate++

8 CBC09/16/09Normal Values Hgb118133–162 g/L RBC5.634.30–5.60 x 10 12 /L Hct0.350.388–0.464 MCV61.6079–93.3 fL MCH20.4026.7–31.9 pg/cell MCHC33.4032.3–35.9 g/dL RDW15.20< 14.5% MPV7.09.00–12.95 fL Plt234165–415 x 10 9 /L WBC11.405-10 x 10 9 /L Neutro0.89 Bands0.020.0-0.05 Seg0.870.40–0.70 Lympho0.100.20–0.50 Eosino0.010.0–0.6

9 09/18 Prothrombin time12.7 Normal control12.5 PT ratio1.0 INR1.0 aPTT45.6 Normal control36.3 CHEMILUMINESCENT IMMUNOASSAY 09/16 Anti HAV IgM0.254 nonreactive

10 Ultrasound of the LGBPS (09/15/09): Normal sized liver with fatty changes, slightly contracted gallbladder, ultrasonologically normal pancreas, spleen, kidneys and urinary bladder, prostatic hypertrophy with concretions MAT (done last 09/18/09 in UP-PGH): Positive (indicative of Leptospirosis) Chest Xray (09/18/09): Subsegmental atelectasis, left lobe ECG (09/18/09): Sinus rhythm, left axis deviation, nonspecific ST-T wave changes

11 Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) Principle: Antibodies in the test serum react with antigens on the surface of the bacteria and agglutinate them. A single MAT titer of or 1:400 on any sera or identification of spirochetes on dark-field microscopy, when accompanied by the appropriate clinical scenario, is strongly suggestive.

12 o A positive MAT was defined as a single titer of >1:400 or a 4-fold rise in titer between acute and convalescent sera samples, confirms the diagnosis of leptospirosis. » CDC (Centers for Disease Control)

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