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Development of American Political Parties
The Two-Party System AP Government & Politics
Parties and What They Do
“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” Vince Lombardi This can be said for the attitudes of the Democratic and Republican parties Competing and Winning are two main goals of political parties
What Is a Political Party?
A political party is a group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and holding public office. The two Major Parties in the U.S. are: Republican Democratic Three main characteristics: 1. Nominate Candidates 2. Place Representatives in Elections 3. Exercise Power
Political Parties Functions of Political Parties
1. Linkage Institution 2. Political Socialization 3. Mobilize and Recruit Activists 4. Leadership Recruitment 5. Formulating Public Policy 6. Organize Government
What do Political Parties do?
Nominating Function – recruit and choose candidates. (Clinton, Bush 41, Obama,) Seal of Approval (Eisenhower, Gary Hart) Informer – Stimulation – parties take a stand on the issues and criticize their opponents. (both parties try to shape issues (platforms) that will attract as many voters as possible, and offend as few as possible) Government Function – Serve government on a partisan basis (conduct business w/support of your party and bipartisan (conduct business w/support of both parties.)
What do Political Parties do?
Watch dog function – the party in power scrutinizes and criticizes the actions of the majority party in power of government - American antagonism President Carter – Americans held hostage in Iran for 444 days, failed rescue attempt, poor economy (Republican jumped all over this – 1981 Reagan elected.) President Reagan – Iran Hostage Affair, Democrats jumped all over this but it did not hurt Reagan as much. President Bush Sr. (41) – “No New Taxes” in 1990 he raised taxes and democrats swept into the White House under Clinton. President Clinton – Lewinski scandal – Republicans w/ GW Bush “Dignity to the Oval Office.” Personal responsibility. President G.W. Bush – Iraq war, Afghanistan War, Tax cuts for wealthy. More of the same used by Obama and democrats. This forces public officials to be more responsive to popular concerns of citizens. Accountability? Citizens have a high degree of control over public officials. President Obama – Health Care. :/
Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans (1788-1824)
Historical Development of American Political Parties Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans ( ) Democrats v. Whigs ( ) Democrats v. Republicans ( ) Era of Republican Dominance ( ) Era of Democratic Dominance ( )
vs. Hamilton Jefferson Hamilton championed a strong national government with a powerful chief executive. His followers (supports in the North & Merchants) called themselves Federalists, after those who supported the Constitution. Jefferson’s group took the name Democratic-Republicans. Due to experience with Britain, they feared a powerful central government. They wanted the states to hold greater power (Supported by the South & Farmers). Political parties first emerged when followers of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson disagreed over major issues on the Constitution and government.
Jacksonian Democracy Reigns
In 1828, the farmers and small business owners who made up Jefferson’s party, calling themselves the Democratic Party, nominated Andrew Jackson. He stood for the common citizen, but looked out for southern and western interests (farmers, pioneers, planters) Universal white male suffrage Spoils System Won 13/15 Presidential Elections ( ) Those who did not support Jackson formed their own party called Whigs, after a Scottish political leader. Their real name was the National Republican Party. The Whigs and Democrats made up the two key parties in American politics for two decades. The Federalist party faded away.
1854 = Whigs divided over issue of slavery = Split , Republican Party born.
The United States has a two-party system. The Republicans emerged as a major party in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln. The Democratic Party formed under Andrew Jackson twenty years earlier. 1854 = Whigs divided over issue of slavery = Split , Republican Party born.
The Two Major Parties Emerge
In 1854 Whigs, former Free Soil Party members, and ex-Democrats formed the Republican Party to oppose the spread of slavery in US territories. Republican Era – won 14/18 Presidential Elections appealing to Business and financial interests, farmers, laborers, and freed slaves. The Whigs faded from American politics leaving the Democrats and Republicans in a two-party system that has dominated American politics ever since.
Reasons for the Two Party System
Historical Basis (A) First two parties a. Federalists - advocates of a strong National government. Protect business interests. Distinguished, old wealth, educated. (Washington, Adams) b. Anti-Federalists (Democratic –Republicans) fearful of a strong national government, agricultural interests (Jefferson, Monroe, Henry) (B) Force of Tradition – A two party system always existed. Fed v. Dem/Rep, Dem v. Whigs, Dem v. Rep
Reasons for the Two Party System
II. The Electoral System (A) Single- Member Districts – only one candidate from a district is elected to office. 1. Winner take all system 2. Plurality wins (largest # of vote cast wins) (B) This discourages minor/multiparty systems because only one winner can come out of an election contest, and the voters have two viable choices. 1. The incumbent (Party in office; either a Dem or Rep) 2. Party with the best choice of replacing the incumbent. 3. Third Party is seen as a wasted vote. (C) State election laws are deliberately written to discourage third parties. 1. Regulate party membership (who votes in a primary) 2. Methods of Nomination, campaign finance. 3. Enact laws that define a party.
Third Parties Any party other than the two major parties can be called a “Third party.” No third party has ever gained control of the White House. Sometimes, third parties win seats in one or more issues. Allow people with grievances to express themselves in a way not possible within the major parties. Articulate and popularize new ideas Minor parties are usually not as cautious as the major parties Tend to be loud, unambiguous about policies, ideologically committed. Bring a few more Americans into the political process.
Third Parties at the Turn of the Century
In the late 1800s, the People’s Party, or “Populists” became popular. They had the support of farmers and workers who called for better working conditions. They never succeeded in getting a national candidate into office, many of their ideas on workers’ rights became laws in the 20th Century.
The Splinter “Factional” Parties
Former Republican President Theodore Roosevelt left the Republican Party and was nominated by the Progressive Party. It was nicknamed the “Bull Moose Party” because TR said he was “fit as a Bull Moose”. TR split the 1912 Republican vote, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to defeat President William H. Taft. The Dixiecrat Party split from the Democratic Party in 1948 with a platform towards state rights & segregation.
Ideological Third Parties
An ideology is a body of ideas put forth by a person or group. Minor third parties are often formed to support a specific issue. These rise and fall over time. Ideological parties want to change society in major ways. The Socialist and Communist Parties want to nationalize major industries. The Green Party calls for companies to respect the environment.
Single Issue Third Party
Involved in promoting one principle, not a general philosophy about government. Examples – Right to Life party (opposed to abortion), Free Soil Party or Prohibition Party. Economic Protest Party Examples – Greenback Party, Populist Party Its main purpose was opposing the expansion of slavery into the western territories, arguing that free men on free soil comprised a morally and economically superior system to slavery
Third Parties Some third parties form from the efforts of famous people. If they cannot gain support from one of the major parties, they form their own. H. Ross Perot’s Reform Party was a force in the 1992 (18.9% of popular vote) and 1996 (8.4% of popular vote) elections. This party also placed pro wrestler Jesse Ventura in the governor’s mansion in Minnesota. These parties usually fade after their candidate is defeated.
The Odds Are Against Them
It is difficult for third parties candidates to raise enough money to compete with the major parties. Only one candidate can win in a given district. Usually the winner is either Democratic or Republican. Third-party candidates must show they have support by getting voter signatures to even be placed on the ballot for national office. Third party issues are generally absorbed by one of or both of the major parties.
Political Party Organization in America
American Politics Today
Democrats usually feel that the federal government has a responsibility to help the poor through government intervention. Democrats are generally seen as liberal. Liberalism – willing to change, to move ahead. Democratic coalition tends to draw from society’s “underdogs” Democratic Party Coalition draws from African Americans, union members, the poor, Urban dwellers, College educated liberals, Hispanics, Jews, Gays & Lesbians and other minorities. Republicans hold the view that leaving the economy alone will allow for growth, giving people greater ability to help themselves. Belief in less government regulation. Republicans are viewed as being conservative. Conservatism – status quo, subtle change. Republican Party Coalition consists primarily of white, middle-class Protestants (largely evangelical). GOP tends to do better in the suburbs, the South and Midwest, and among white fundamentalist Christians. Miller and Shanks 1996, The New American Voter.
Much more likely to: Favor the play of private market forces in the economy Argue that the Federal Government should be less extensively involved in social welfare programs
More likely to support:
Social welfare programs Government regulation of business practices Efforts to improve the status of minorities and disabled.
Parties Move Towards The Center
A platform is a statement that puts forth the party's positions on issues. Each individual issue is called a plank. Both parties want votes. As a result, parties become more moderate in their platforms, moving away from extreme positions. The American people generally agree about many issues. This unity forces the two parties toward the center of the political spectrum.
Party Systems in other Countries
Most democracies have multi-party systems. One party rarely wins the number of seats in the Parliament needed to control the government. This instability forces several parties to cooperate in running the government. When parties work together to pass laws, a coalition has been formed. If a small party pulls its support, the government can collapse and new elections must be held. This process occurs in nations with a parliamentary system of government. The US has a presidential system and a Congress rather than a prime minister and a parliament.
Following The Party Line
A one-party system cannot exist in a democracy. There is no choice of candidates in the elections. Opposition parties are usually banned. Communist China, Cuba, and North Korea operate under one-party systems. One-party systems may be based on other ideologies such as religion. Iran's Islamic Republican Party has established a Muslim state. This type of religion-based government is called a theocracy. Communist Party Congress, China Kim Il Sung of North Korea In a one-party system, the government and party are synonymous.
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