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Where ya goin’, man? AOS Football Meeting September 10 th, 2007 How well is your crew coordinated ?

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3 Where ya goin’, man? AOS Football Meeting September 10 th, 2007 How well is your crew coordinated ?

4 33 Guidelines –There is no expert in the room –Interaction is required –Cash prizes are available How well is your crew coordinated ?

5 44 During the dead ball period between each play, what are the three tasks each official must do? Count 11 players Signal readiness for each play –Kickoffs – raise hand –Scrimmage plays – indicate the down –Set down indicator appropriately Visualize play responsibilities –Know keys for kickoff, scrimmage play Let’s review

6 5 Pre-game Conferences Have a routine to follow –C–Crew Chief have an agenda to follow –R–Review aspects of the game\ –R–Review crew philosophies –P–Prepare each other for the game Review faults from prior week Mentally prepare for administering the game Leave for the field as a crew On the field –R–Referee Umpire meet with coaches –L–Line Judge/Linesman perform field inspection Inspect chains/tape Linesman instructs chain crew Line Judge provides ball boys with instructions –B–Back Judge visits press box Coin Toss –L–Look sharp –R–Referee/Umpire proceed to center of field –L–Line Judge/Back Judge have captains and coaches on the sideline at predetermined time, enter field on signal from referee Kickoff positions –M–Meet at mid field as a crew, and hustle to positions 5

7 66 Coordinate crew communication Referee, Umpire: Give appropriate signals for upcoming down Next down number Fourth down clock kill Count offensive/receiving team players Signal/verbalize count Referee ensure line judge/linesman know your count Communicate clock status Sound ready for play Know substitutions in progress Line Judge/Linesman Communicate next down/any special signal for down Ensure the down box concurs with your down indicator Remind all of the goal line, if appropriate Will a five yard defensive penalty get me a first down? Back Judge Count team B players, coordinate with Line Judge Be prepared for substitution infractions at the snap On the ready, execute play clock

8 77 Referee –Comprehend offensive movement –Assist umpire with pre snap movement by lineman in front of you Umpire –Review offensive interior five numbering –Know when numbering exceptions apply –See the snap –Listen for defensive signals that interfere with the offensive signals Line Judge/Linesman –Communicate line of scrimmage position to widest offensive player –Signal position status of widest offensive player Consistency in communication important between line judge and linesman –Focus on neutral zone infractions for your side of the ball –Assist umpire with pre snap movement by offensive lineman –Count four backs/seven men on the line of scrimmage –Assist referee with offensive movement Back Judge –Determine offensive formation Which side is the strength of the formation? –Ensure defensive substitutions –Be alert for play clock infractions At the snap

9 88 The ball is live! What three things does your crew do? R Read the action by the offensive lineman A Adjust position to the type of play R Run P Pass S Scrimmage Kick F Focus on keys

10 99 Running Plays Orchestrate crew mechanics effectively –R–Referee stays with QB until ball crosses the line of scrimmage Must keep an eye on the QB at all times, don’t allow him to be hit unnecessarily Assist in side zone, but don’t rush to the LOS –U–Umpire is on a swivel Observe point of attack –B–Be a traffic cop, not a detective “Break the glass” and assist in side zone Know the dead ball position in relation to the hash –L–Line Judge/Linesman Flow with the play, watching your keys –K–Keys change based on the type of running play Have presence o mind about the point of attack –R–Remember your crew’s philosophy on fouls at or away from the point of attack Mark forward progress –D–Don’t attack the spot UNLESS IT IS CRITICAL »F»Fourth down possible change of possession »G»Goal line play Know where the play ends in relation to the sideline –I–If between the numbers and the sideline, wind the clock two times –I–If out of bounds, kill the clock Communicate clock status to umpire Retrieve the dead ball and triangulate to the umpire –B–Back Judge Adjust to the point of attack Keep play boxed in Watch keys at point of attack Assist in side zone coverage and ball triangulation

11 10 Who are you covering? Pass Plays Referee stays with the QB, possibly assisting Umpire with observing the offensive players blocking Umpire moves toward the line of scrimmage, observing action by the offensive blockers Know if ineligible lineman are downfield prior to the pass Understand and execute your crew’s philosophy Mark the spot of a pass thrown beyond the neutral zone Swivel to rule on passes over the middle or toward the sideline Line Judge/Linesman know your eligible's Is the pass forward or backward? Observe action in your coverage area of responsibility When necessary, seek assistance Execute your crew’s philosophy on pass interference/defensive holding Ensure eye contact with closest covering official prior to ruling on a catch/no catch Maintain control proceeding to the forward progress spot Communicate status to umpire Back Judge read the quarterback Watch receivers and defenders in your zone of responsibility Keep all receivers in front of you, don’t get beat deep Execute your crew’s philosophy on pass interference/defensive holding Ensure eye contact with closest covering official prior to ruling on a catch/no catch

12 11 Scrimmage Kicks Referee Make sure all count of team A, be alert to substitution infractions Recognize the backfield numbers in the event of a fire drill Be prepared for a snap over the kicker’s head Near goal line Visualize your actions in the event the kick is blocked What can A do What can B do After the kick, trail the play, don’t rush to participate You are the lead official on the return, don’t get beat to the goal line Umpire Stay over the ball until released by the referee Caution B players about contacting the snapper Know numbering exceptions in the event of broken play Make presence known Line Judge/Linesman Make sure there are seven players on the line of scrimmage Know eligible's to your side Line Judge break at the snap to assist coverage with back judge Who has the blocker? Who has the ball? Who has the receiver? Linesman ensure ball crosses the line of scrimmage Back Judge Review fair catch signals with deep receivers Favor linesman’s side Know who has the ball/receiver/blocker Bean bag end of kick spot for use in PSK Scoring kicks What’s different?

13 12 Game Administration Measurements Account for each officials responsibility Account for each officials responsibilityPenalties

14 13 How well is your crew coordinated ? Look sharp as a crew First impressions are important Coordinate every movement Coordinate every movement Communicate efficiently and effectively with each other, coaches, and players Communicate efficiently and effectively with each other, coaches, and players Exhibit confidence, not arrogance Exhibit confidence, not arrogance Leave the field together Leave the field together

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