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 Understand the nature of business. 1.  Understand applications and issues of technology. 2.

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Presentation on theme: " Understand the nature of business. 1.  Understand applications and issues of technology. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1  Understand the nature of business. 1

2  Understand applications and issues of technology. 2

3  Businesses use of technology  Concerns of using technology 3

4 Businesses use of technology 4

5 5  What are computer networks?  Examples of computer networks: o Internet - Public network used most often for: Emailing Accessing the World Wide Web (WWW) o Intranet - Private network, primarily used to share information

6  What is artificial intelligence (AI)? o Example: voice recognition software  How do expert systems help people? o Example: Automotive parts electronic catalogue  Why is Computer-aided design (CAD) used? o Example: Design for a camera 6

7  What is involved in E-commerce?  Most common activities of E-Commerce: o Providing product information o Promoting a company o Selling online o Conducting market research o Making payments o Obtaining parts and supplies o Tracking shipments 7

8 Four basic models for E-commerce: o B2C: Business-to-Consumer Example: Lands’ selling swimwear to expecting mothers o B2B: Business-to-Business Example: ships office supplies to local hospitals o C2B: Consumer-to-Business Example: Customers completing on-line surveys in order to provide feedback to Dunkin’ Donuts o C2C: Consumer-to-Consumer Example: Customer buying electronics from other customers through 8

9 9  What is a Management Information System (MIS)?  Four main components of a MIS: o Gathering data o Analyzing data o Storing data o Reporting results

10 Categories of information obtained from MIS: o Financial o Production and inventory o Marketing and sales o Human resources 10

11  What is involved in robotics activities?  What activities happen during telecommuting? 11

12 Concerns of using technology 12

13 13 Employment Trends  What are some employment trends in the workplace?  What is computer literacy?

14 14 Computer Crimes o What is a computer virus? o How many people have encountered a computer virus? o Will someone tell how they removed the virus?

15 15 Computer Crimes continued o What is a white-collar crime? o How many people have access to software that has been copied to a CD by a personal contact? o Did that person commit an act of piracy?

16 16 Health Concerns What are some possible health concerns for employees?

17 Privacy Concerns o What are some concerns with privacy? o What is identity theft? 17

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