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Outline of Acts 1:8 Chapter 13 – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles.

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2 Outline of Acts 1:8

3 Chapter 13 – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles

4 Chapter 13 – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles

5 Starting Point – Antioch

6 Stop #1 – Salamis

7 Stop #2 – Paphos

8 Stop #3 – Perga

9 Stop #4 – Antioch

10 Stop #5 – Iconium

11 5 th Stop: Iconium 13:51-14:5 Still start in synagogue (13:46; 14:1) Great number…believed. (1)

12 Who is responsible for Faith? God? (13:48) Speaker? (14:1) Hearers? (14:2) Answer: Yes!

13 Journal Assignment #6 God, speaker, me – what part has each of these 3 played in the development of my faith?

14 Paul and Healing 14:3 Confirmed the message of his grace. Heb. 2:4; Mk. 16:15-16

15 5 th Stop: Iconium Plot to mistreat and stone them (14:5) They fled…where they continued to preach the good news.

16 Dieitrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) Apostle Paul

17 Stop #6 – Lystra

18 6 th Stop: Lystra 14:8-20 Lystra & Derbe – Lycaonia Remote frontier towns Off the beaten path

19 Healing Lame from birth Parallel to miracle of Peter (3:1-9) Crowd became a problem (cf. Jesus)

20 Lystra The gods…. In Lycaonian language Barnabas – Zeus Paul – Hermes Tore their clothes

21 Lystra Stoning Jews came from Antioch and Iconium – 130 miles away Left for dead Raised to life (2 Cor. 11:25; Gal. 6:17)

22 Lystra Stoning Probably seen by Timothy (16:1) Nowhere on 1 st journey did opposition start with Gentiles!

23 Stop #7 – Derbe

24 7 th Stop: Derbe Lycaonian city Large number of disciples

25 Heading Home

26 Retraced steps We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom Appointed elders in each city Preached in Perga this time Heading Home

27 Sailed to Antioch Reported to the church They gathered the church together How God had…opened the door of faith to the Gentiles Heading Home

28 Barnabas and Paul’s First Missionary Journey Antioch of Syria Salamis Paphos Perga Antioch of Pisidia Iconium Lystra Derbe

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