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LIB-YA LIFE HOW YOU WANT TO By: AROL YANEZ PD.6. LIBYA Libya is located in the Northern African continent bordered by the Mediterranean sea.

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Presentation on theme: "LIB-YA LIFE HOW YOU WANT TO By: AROL YANEZ PD.6. LIBYA Libya is located in the Northern African continent bordered by the Mediterranean sea."— Presentation transcript:


2 LIBYA Libya is located in the Northern African continent bordered by the Mediterranean sea.

3 Demographics As of July 2011  Population: 6,597,960  Median age: male- 24.5 years, female- 24.4 years  Population growth rate: 2.064%  Birth rate: 24.04 births/1000 population  Net migration rate: 0 migrants/1000 population  Sex ratio: 1.05 males/female  Ethnic groups: 97% Berber and Arab, 3% other  Languages: Arabic (official), Italian and English.  Literacy Rate: 82.6%

4 Muamman Gaddafi  Gaddafi ruled for four decades from 1969-2011  Gaddafi came into power on September 1 st 1969 by leading a group of military officers (The Free Officers Movement) against king Idris.  The military group lead by Gaddafi was the Free Officers Movement.  Gaddafi established a monarchy (the Libyan Arab Republic, Later chanced to the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya).  Within the first few years of his rule Gaddafi made many reforms to benefit the country.  As time passed Gaddafis’ administration became very corrupt and oppresive.  Gaddaffi was an oppen supported or international terrorism (such as the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center).

5 Revolutionary Leaders  Abdel Fattah Younes: Muammar Gaddafi’s Interior Minister and commander of Libya’s special forces. Asked to put down the rebel forces but announced that he was joining rebel forces.Jallil was shot by Gadaffis forces.  Mustafa Abdul Jalil: Judge from Libyan town of al-Bayaida. Criticized Gaddafis rule. Resigned in February when the uprising began.  Ali Aziz: Country’s ambassador to India. Was the first of Gadaffis envoys to resign.

6 Causes of the Revolution  The Libyan revolution started because the Libyan people were upset with Gadaffis corruption, the countries development issues (housing) and civil rights (censorship) conflicts.  The revolution began with a series of friendly protests on February 15 th. The protest was violently broken up by the police.  As the protests continued the military Gadaffi responded by hiring snipers, artillery, helicopter gunships, warplanes, anti-aircraft weaponry, and warships against protesters.  Protestors responded with violence against the armed forces.  The revolts lasted from February- October 20, 2011 with the capture and death of Gadaffi.  (video of Gadaffi being killed).

7 Similarities to the American Revolution  People were not content with the way the government was running the country.  Libyans were under the rule of the same government for a long time without protesting.  Both the Libyans and Colonists started out with peaceful means of protest.  Some people remained loyal to the suppressive government despite the revolution.  Both governments responded with violence.  Many people died.  Both groups were able to free themselves of their former government.

8 Differences to the American Revolution  The Libyan revolution was fought at “home” whereas the American Revolution was fought in a different continent.  The American Revolution was fought in the 1770’s while the Libyan revolution was fought in 2011 therefore fighting with more advanced technology such as helicopters and missiles.  The people of Libya were able to communicate much faster than the colonists due to social networking.  The colonists broke off from the existing government while the people of Libya overthrew their government.  The colonists did not kill their former ruler while the Libyans did.

9 Libya's future  Libya was successful in overthrowing their former government. With this newly acquired liberty, Libya must act quickly to establish a temporary government to meet some of the demands of the people but still maintaining order. I think the new government should slowly work its way towards drastic changes because it might cause a big disturbance in the way people are so used to living. The Libyan government should try to establish a way of picking leaders because there will probably be different views on who should lead the country and how it should be ruled. I also think that the Libyan government should try getting assistance from western nations in establishing their new government.

10 Work Cited  le.html le.html  east/Who-Are-the-Libyan-Rebels-128183633.html east/Who-Are-the-Libyan-Rebels-128183633.html   08/politics/30006142_1_libyan-opposition-benghazi- moammar-gadhafi 08/politics/30006142_1_libyan-opposition-benghazi- moammar-gadhafi   perils-of-the-end-game/ perils-of-the-end-game/

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