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OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO3 - Produce a business presentation using presentation software. Mr Farmer.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO3 - Produce a business presentation using presentation software. Mr Farmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO3 - Produce a business presentation using presentation software. Mr Farmer

2 Learning/Lesson Objectives We Are Learning To (WALT): Produce a business presentation using presentation software. What I am Looking For (WILF): A consistent presentation of at least 3 slides that has been spell checked. Completed A03_word_template_AllGrades

3 Assessment Criteria PassMeritDistinction Candidates will produce a business presentation of at least three slides using text and graphics. There may not be a consistent style to the pages. There will be some evidence that the candidate has checked for errors and the presentation will be largely fit for the purpose Candidates will produce a business presentation of at least four slides using appropriate text and graphics. The presentation will have a consistent style. Slide transitions will have been set, but these may not always be the most effective. The presentation will be checked and free from obvious errors. The candidate will print out the presentation in handout form. Candidates will produce a business presentation of at least five slides using appropriate text and graphics. The presentation will have a consistent style. Slide transitions and animation will have been set and the presentation will have been checked to ensure it is appropriate to the purpose and audience. Speaker notes will be added where appropriate. The final presentation will be of near professional quality. The candidate will print out the presentation in handout form, and showing the notes pages.

4 Evidence You need to complete AO3_Word_Template(AllGrades) –MyComputer > Student (S) > ICT > key_stage_4 > national_certificate > unit_one_ICT_core > AO3MyComputer > Student (S) > ICT > key_stage_4 > national_certificate > unit_one_ICT_core > AO3

5 AO2 Internet For this assessment objective you need to use the create a consistent, professional PowerPoint presentation for Lime Grove Health centre. You can find the assignment here: –S:\ICT\key_stage_4\national_certificate\unit_one_ICT_c ore\AO3\presentation_assignmentS:\ICT\key_stage_4\national_certificate\unit_one_ICT_c ore\AO3\presentation_assignment The assignment is based on Lime Grove Health Centre and you can choose the topic. –Smoking –Alcohol Abuse –Drugs –STIs and STDs –Healthy Eating/Living –Influenza (Bird Flu/Swine Flu)

6 Task A Demonstrate that you have used spell check in your presentation and corrected any errors. For this task you need to use a spell checker to make sure your presentation does not contain any mistakes.

7 Task B Demonstrate you have used slide master to create a consistent style for your presentation. You need to use slide master to set up your House Style. Background Colour, Title font style, size and colour, main text font style, size and colour.

8 Task C Demonstrate that you have used slide transitions For this task you need to add slide transitions that are suitable for your target audience (do not make it to flashy)

9 Task D Demonstrate that you have used custom animation For this task you need to add custom animation to certain aspects of your presentation. (Do not add to much animation)

10 Task E Demonstrate that you have added speaker notes to your presentation. You need to add some speaker notes to each of your slide. Remember you shouldn’t just be reading from your slides.

11 Final Tasks You need to print your Presentation 3 times. 1.Slides 2.Handout 3.Notes The following slides show you how to do this.

12 Printing Slides You need to print your presentation as full slides.

13 Printing in Handout mode You need to print your presentation in handout mode.

14 Printing in notes You need to print your presentation with notes.

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