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Chapter = 17 Personal Selling and salesmanship. Richard Buskrik says “Personal selling consists of contacting prospective buyers of product personally”

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter = 17 Personal Selling and salesmanship. Richard Buskrik says “Personal selling consists of contacting prospective buyers of product personally”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter = 17 Personal Selling and salesmanship

2 Richard Buskrik says “Personal selling consists of contacting prospective buyers of product personally”

3 T.N. Knox says “Salesmanship is the art of persuading prospective customers to buy what you have to sell”

4 Features of salesmanship Face-to-face Persuasion and not compulsion Creates the urge to buy the product Winning the buyer’s confidence Sound and lasting relation Adjust the message Immediate feedback Discourages bargaining Universal Inborn/acquired Selling technical and industrial productsss

5 Importance of personal selling Immediate feedback Flexible Demonstration Most suitable for technical and industrial products Minimum wastage of selling efforts Clarification of doubts, queries and objections Performs entire selling job More customer satisfaction Very suitable for marketing of services Creation of demand Promotes new products Increase knowledge of customers Collects market information Increases employment Helpful in facing competition Helpful in relationship marketing

6 Limitation of personal selling Very costly Turnover of sales force Not much useful for convenience consumer goods Inefficient sales force Time consuming Busyness of customers Wrong tactics adopted by some salesmen

7 Scope of salesmanship Trade and salesmanship Services institution and salesmanship Professional organisation and salesmanship Non-business organisations salesmanship

8 Types of salesman Manufacturer’s salesmen Wholesaler’s salesmen Retailer’s salesmen Specialty salesmen Industrial salesmen Exporter’s salesmen Service salesmen

9 Duties of salesmen To adequate sales To avoid wasteful selling expenses To deal strictly To safeguard the trade secrets Goodwill Good relations with customers To collect market information Sales report Loyal and honest Not to interfere Latest sales techniques Detailed knowledge of product

10 Qualities of a good salesman Physical qualities Mental qualities Social qualities Moral qualities Product knowledge Customer knowledge Effective communication skills Develop good customer relations ss

11 Stages of personal selling Pre-sale preparation Prospecting for potential customers Pre-approaching Approaching Presentation and demonstration Overcoming the objections Closing the sale Follow up

12 AIDAS theory of selling Attention Interest Desire Action Satisfaction

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