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Exploratory Study Between Perceived Congruence and Satisfaction in a Multi-Channel Context PhD Candidate: Lingyi WU Professor: Pr. Marie-Laure GAVARD-PERRET.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploratory Study Between Perceived Congruence and Satisfaction in a Multi-Channel Context PhD Candidate: Lingyi WU Professor: Pr. Marie-Laure GAVARD-PERRET."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploratory Study Between Perceived Congruence and Satisfaction in a Multi-Channel Context PhD Candidate: Lingyi WU Professor: Pr. Marie-Laure GAVARD-PERRET

2 Outline 1.Introduction 2.Related Research Concepts 3.Research Question & Methodology 4.Contribution & Limitation 2

3 3 Introduction Research concept Research QContributions Internet retail as % of total retail www.frontofstor 1. Sales Channel Novel vs. Conventional 2. Effects on Channel Mix Synergy or Cannibalization 3. Distinction varies between Channels Satisfaction toward Channels ?

4 4 Introduction Research concept Research QContributions Congruence (fit, similarity) “ the expression of a structural correspondence between two entities”

5 5 Introduction Research concept Research QContributions Do customers perceive store image differently across the channels?

6 6 Introduction Research concept Research QContributions Disconfirmation Expectation Value / Price Quality Other antecedents  Needs (Fulfillment)  Equity (Fairness)  Regret (attribution) (Dis)Satisfaction

7 Satisfaction toward retailer (Channel) CHINESE RETAIL MARKET 7 Introduction Research concept Research Question Contributions Online / Offline Offline / online (in)congruence (base on the ‘image’ between the channels) Perceived Risk Overall perceived retailer quality In a Multiple-Channel Environment, how does (in)congruence Influence Satisfaction via Quality and/or Risk? Questionnaires from Current Customers (Quasi-Experiment Method)

8 Contributions 1. Add congruence to Multi-Channel environment 2. Exploration of congruence and satisfaction 3. Satisfaction: Channel NOT Brand 4. Illustration for Channel-Mix 8 Introduction Research concept Research Q Contributions Limitations 1.Generalization One Product category – One Multiple Retailer 2. How about Mobile-phones (smartphone) ?

9 2012-2013 Deep literature review Develop questionnaire Collect data (min. 300 participants) Difficulties: Data collection Additional concepts? 9 Introduction Research concept Research Q Agenda / Difficulties


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