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Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) The Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) was founded in 1992 as part of a national network of state geography alliances.

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Presentation on theme: "Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) The Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) was founded in 1992 as part of a national network of state geography alliances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) The Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA) was founded in 1992 as part of a national network of state geography alliances sponsored by the National Geographic Society. AzGA is headquartered at the Arizona State University School of Geographic Sciences and Urban Planning, Tempe, AZ

2 Our Mission  Advocate for geographic literacy in K-12 education  Provide quality educational resources  Promote professional development opportunities  Encourage a culture of creative, passionate, and exciting teaching of geography  Showcase geography as a discipline linking the physical and social sciences

3 Our Accomplishments in the last 10 years:  Conducted over 394 workshops  Impacted 16,858 teachers of 677,700 students and 100s of pre-service teachers  Provided weekly online resources to nearly 4,200 educators  Supported the annual National Geographic Society’s National Geographic Bee and Geography Awareness Week  Hosted an annual Arizona state Geography Conference  Led in-depth Southwest field studies  Trained Teacher Consultants through Summer Geography Institutes  Held theme-based Advanced Alliance Summer Geographical Institutes

4 Our Awards  Recognized by the National Council for the Social Studies and the George F. Cram Company with the “Grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy” for the AzGA GeoLiteracy Project in 2003 and for the AzGA GeoMath Project in 2005  Awarded the 2010 National Council for Geographic Education Geography “Excellence in Media Award” for the GeoLiteracy with ELL Adaptations

5 Our W ebsite:  Over 185 GeoLiteracy Lessons  Over 100 GeoSTEM Lessons  80 Diverse Learners Geography Lessons  Over 130 GeoHistory Lessons  73 Legacy (Arizona) Lessons  100s of Teacher-Tested Maps  Annual GeoConferences  GeoWorkshops  ELL Virtual Workshops  Resource Links

6 Our Leadership  Co-Coordinators: Dr. Ronald Dorn and Gale Olp Ekiss  Over 170 K-12 Teacher Consultants  Co-Founders: Drs. Malcolm Comeaux and Robert Mings  Office Manager: Cathy Davis

7 Our Partnerships o Colleges of Education o K-12 Educators o K-12 Administrators o Community Leaders o Business Leaders o Sister Professional Associations o Policy Makers o Educational Outreach Organizations o Other State Geographic Alliances o More…

8 Current Financial Status The AzGA mission is currently supported by Grants Fee-for-Service Costs Shared with Partners NGS Endowment Volunteer labor and ASU School of Geographic Sciences & Urban Planning

9 Financial Future Sustained Funding AzGA continually actively seeks additional opportunities for Grants Restored State Funding New Partnerships Endowment additions Fee-for-Service possibilities


11 Grants Received Teachers of Language Learners Learning Community (2012) Mesa Community College USDOEd grant partner (5 years) Teaching Arizona History with an Arizona Atlas (2012) Arizona Historical Advisory Commission (AHAC) Social Studies (2012) Teaching Foundations Project, ASU Mary Lou Fulton Teaching College (MLFTC) Teaching Arizona History with a Geographic Perspective: Lessons for K-12 Classrooms (2011) Arizona Historical Advisory Commission (AHAC) Changing Face of the Arizona Border (2011) Arizona Humanities Council 1996 – 2010 Grants and Awards from National Geographic Education Foundation, Arizona Department of Education, National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) and others totaled $2.3 million and funded developing the GeoLiteracy & GeoMath lesson and professional development projects, an atlas, professional development focused on Primary Sources, workshops, institutes and conferences.

12 Arizona Geographic Alliance Arizona State University School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning P O Box 875302 Tempe, AZ 85287-5302 480-965-5361 | fax 480-965-8313

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