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UVM Student Research Conference 2012 Presentations and Posters Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "UVM Student Research Conference 2012 Presentations and Posters Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 UVM Student Research Conference 2012 Presentations and Posters Workshop

2 Our plan for this session:

3 Presentations and Posters Workshop For information:

4 Presentations and Posters Workshop The Day P.M. Presentations Posters A.M. Presentations Posters (Presenters: come to Davis Center Wednesday afternoon to load presentations)

5 Presentations and Posters Workshop Your Presentation or Poster

6 Presentations and Posters Workshop Some Powerpoint Approaches Traditional Assertion-Evidence Pecha kucha (peh-chah’-k-chuh) Interactive Dialog (dancing with Powerpoint)

7 Presentations and Posters Workshop Your Presentation or Poster

8 Presentations and Posters Workshop How much? Organized how? Optimum stickiness?

9 Presentations and Posters Workshop If you want to sound like an expert you should make sure that you have included everything. Put in complex charts graphs, and images too, so they can really appreciate and understand just how much work you have done. The information should be written in detail and text should always fill the slide. Read it to the audience so you know they are getting it and won’t miss anything. Prove that you remember all the details by including any bits and pieces you can squeeze into your allotted time. Make sure all of your thoughts and ideas are there, and it will be a fine presentation.

10 Presentations and Posters Workshop If you want to sound like an expert you should make sure that you have included everything. Put in complex charts, graphs and images, too, so they can really appreciate and understand just how much work you have done. The information should be written in detail and text should always fill the slide. Read it to the audience so you know they are getting it and won’t miss anything. Prove that you remember all the details by including any bits and pieces you can squeeze into your allotted time. Make sure all of your thoughts and ideas are there, and it will be a fine presentation.

11 Presentations and Posters Workshop Traditional, or, “Darth Vader Method”

12 Presentations and Posters Workshop

13 “Less is more.”

14 Presentations and Posters Workshop “Good research presentations and posters tell a story.”

15 Presentations and Posters Workshop IntroductionMethodsResultsConclusions or IntroductionKey PointsConclusions

16 Presentations and Posters Workshop Introduction Statement of problem Research question Your motivation What’s interesting?

17 Presentations and Posters Workshop Methods Your approach Adjustments Active voice, not passive

18 Presentations and Posters Workshop Results Main points (if they want details they will ask) Expected? Or not?

19 Presentations and Posters Workshop Conclusions Brief recap Reiterate main themes Implications or next steps Connect to introduction

20 Presentations and Posters Workshop “Tell ’em what you’ll tell ’em, tell ’em, tell ’em what you told ’em.”

21 Presentations and Posters Workshop Assertion-Evidence Model Michael Alley, Penn State










31 …and the slides conclude with…


33 Presentations and Posters Workshop Pecha Kucha …even fewer words

34 Vermont Split Towns









43 Presentations and Posters Workshop …and so on.

44 Presentations and Posters Workshop How much? “Less is more.” Organized how? “Tell a story.” Stickiness? Reiterate. “Tell ’em….”

45 Presentations and Posters Workshop IntroductionMethodsResultsConclusions

46 Presentations and Posters Workshop


48 Your Presentation or Poster

49 Presentations and Posters Workshop Design Color, balance, elements Simplicity works Choose images/graphs wisely

50 Presentations and Posters Workshop

51 Waterman, R. Organometallics, 2007, 26, 2492. Mechanism of Dehydrocoupling

52 Presentations and Posters Workshop

53 What about the posters in this room?

54 Presentations and Posters Workshop Your Presentation or Poster

55 Presentations and Posters Workshop Interactive, or, “Yoda Method”

56 Presentations and Posters Workshop “Luke, write your own destiny you must.”

57 Presentations and Posters Workshop What are your favorite tips?

58 Presentations and Posters Workshop Dialog, or, “dancing with ppt”

59 Presentations and Posters Workshop As we watch this performance pay particular attention to these questions: When does the speaker read or repeat the exact words on the slide? If not reading, what is the speaker saying when a new slide appears? How are bullet points used in this example? Is there a pattern to his presentation? (Introduction, reiterative explication, etc.)

60 Presentations and Posters Workshop “Your slides or poster are not your presentation; you are your presentation.”

61 Presentations and Posters Workshop Tech Stuff

62 Presentations and Posters Workshop To make a poster, use PowerPoint and set the dimensions. When done, save as pdf. Embed graphics and images, don’t insert them as Objects. Text? 72 points = 1 inch printed. Smaller than 30 is hard to read.

63 Presentations and Posters Workshop Questions? And thanks go to: Rory Waterman, UVM, for the original talk, and the chemistry slide. Garr Reynolds for images and inspiration.

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