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1 Quality shipping XXI Century standard Establishment of a Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system 21-22 October 2009 Willem De Ruiter.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quality shipping XXI Century standard Establishment of a Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system 21-22 October 2009 Willem De Ruiter."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quality shipping XXI Century standard Establishment of a Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system 21-22 October 2009 Willem De Ruiter Executive Director

2 2 One EU Agency offering three information systems: - CleanSeaNet (CSN) vessel detection - Long Range Identification and Tracking (EU LRIT DC) - SafeSeaNet (SSN) Maritime surveillance

3 Legal basis Founding Regulation of EMSA: …develop and operate any information system necessary for attaining the objectives of [the EU traffic monitoring] directive EU Directive on ship-sourced pollution: …providing technical assistance … in actions such as tracing discharges by satellite monitoring and surveillance –Regulation 1406/2002/EC, Article 2,d,ii –Directive 2005/35/EC, Article 10,2,a 3

4 1. CleanSeaNet: European satellite oil spill monitoring and detection service EMSA is providing satellite radar (SAR) images from ENVISAT and RADARSAT-1 and -2 on request, availability depending on the orbit. EMSA has contracts for the licenses with the satellite owners and with a Consortium for the service (processing and analysis) Service is operational since April 2007 Service is covering all European waters/seas 24 coastal states use CleanSeaNet Legal basis Ship-sourced pollution Directive 2005/35/EC, Article 10 4

5 Acquisition and Processing Oil Spill Analysis Alert & Product Delivery (Web Browser, EMSA) T0 = End of scene acquisition T = T0 + 30 min Oil Service Report Image (LR, HR) Phone and email alert Ancillary data PlanningPlanning FeedbackFeedback 5 CleanSeaNet : Near Real Time service – 30 min.

6 Port State Control inspection triggered by a CleanSeaNet detection © ESA (European Space Agency) / EMSA 2008 3 November 2008: 20 Km long oil slick in Romanian waters Potential polluter identified by vessel traffic information system Ship fined as a result of Port State Control inspection in Galati 6

7 7 08/01/2009, Canary Islands Feedback and Port State Control request After the CSN alert Spanish authorities sent “Sasemar 103” aircraft to investigate the case The oil slick was verified and documented by SLAR, IR and MWR. The amount of discharged oil was at least 3.9 m³ AIS data and oil drift model results were analysed by SASEMAR and the evidence confirmed that the potential source indicated in the CSN report was actually the polluter Spain sent a Port State Control request and a flag state report © CSA/MDA/EMSA 2009

8 Satellite image: © ESA (European Space Agency) / EMSA 2009 Photo: © MCA/Irish Coast Guard Oil spill of Aircraft Carrier in Irish Waters 8

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