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William James. American Pragmatism Americans were interested in the practical value of philosophy and ideas. “What works?” is as important as “Why does.

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Presentation on theme: "William James. American Pragmatism Americans were interested in the practical value of philosophy and ideas. “What works?” is as important as “Why does."— Presentation transcript:

1 William James

2 American Pragmatism Americans were interested in the practical value of philosophy and ideas. “What works?” is as important as “Why does something exist?”

3 The Importance of Questions James grew up in a home where questions were more important than answers. This would create a very stimulating environment for a young mind.

4 The Metaphysical Club James joined in philosophical discussions in a club at Harvard that provided a foundation for American intellectual thought for decades.

5 The Will to Believe “Having rejected suicide in favor of the possibility of a creative life unsupported by certitude, James developed a doctrine to sustain such a belief.”

6 The Realm of Possibility “James assumes the presence of meaning but remains pessimistic about the attainment of clarity, and above all, certitude.”

7 Freedom “To be free, James decides, is just to act as if one were free.” Belief in freedom is a condition of its existence.

8 Truth “We help create the truth of the world which we come to know, and we cannot help that.”

9 Summary: Trust “For James, it is precisely the ability of humans to enter into the relational fabric of the world, in a participative and liberating way, which enables him or her to become human.”

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