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1 Business Collaborations ‘A Better Way’ David Welsh Collaborative Domain, Inc.

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1 1 Business Collaborations ‘A Better Way’ David Welsh Collaborative Domain, Inc.

2 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona Presentation Overview E-Business Problem Critical Success Factors Business Collaboration Architecture Economic Model Overview of ebTWG(ebXML-2) activities

3 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona Business Problems / Solutions Looking for solutions in the right place !! Business problems are solved with business solutions. –So, why are we looking in technical places ? –Business defined by Technologists ? Decouple definition of business (it’s meaning) from the underlying technology.

4 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona E-Business Requirements Facilitate a structure and environment that permits business to conduct business that is familiar and trusted – a “safe harbor” Conduct of business does not require a level of sophistication beyond the skill set of the normal business person – convenient Conduct of business is profitable – reduces cost or increases opportunities (execution)

5 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona Four Critical Success Factors Familiar –Activity being conducted is as crucial to business as the conducting of business itself. Trust –Assurance that what they meant to do, is what they did and that it was done accurately, respecting privacy for information and process Convenient –In specification and usage; simplicity Profitable –In cost savings or increase opportunity –In conducing business as prescribed

6 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona Embrace and Deploy Business Solutions If a business solution is both familiar and trusted, then business will embrace the solution as viable and useful. If a business solution is profitable and convenient, then business will deploy the solution.

7 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona Prescription, Precision & Reification Prescriptive methodology yields predictable results Uniformity of notation and precision of semantics provide concise and unambiguous business process definitions Reification provides the rigor and precision necessary for high-fidelity transformation between business definitions and technology definitions – no loss of semantics or context Technology and Protocol unbiased is the key to easy adaptation and shared solutions.

8 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona UMM Architectural Structure Business Domain View Industry Domain Experts BDVBRV BTV BSV UML Metamodel IFV Business Collaboration View Business Persons Business Transaction/Service View Business Analyst & Developers Business Transaction Ontology Economic Ontology Business Ontology Business Process Proces s Areas Business Areas Business Operations Map Business Process View Transformation Rules Syntax & Semantic Rules Grammar Defined According To Used By

9 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona Economic Model for e-Business Economic Contract Reciprocal Commitments Offers Accepts Syste m : OriginatingServi ce : RespondingServi ce 1. request(BusinessAction ) 1.1. signal(ReceiptAcknowledgement) 1.2. signal(AcceptanceAcknowledgement) Technology Transport Initiator Business Transaction Responder Resp Biz Doc Business Activity Business Events fulfill commitments. Definition of document exchange occurs at the BSV level. Business Transactions View Business Service View The conduct of business process and generation of business events occur within the collaboration. Implementation View

10 Business Collaboration: A better way XML Europe 2002, Barcelona Appendix - References –The Commercial use of Electronic Data Interchange, Section of Business Law American Bar Association, A report and model trading partner agreement, –The Commercial use of Electronic Data Interchange, Section of Business Law American Bar Association, A report and model trading partner agreement: –PART 2 UNIFORM RULES OF CONDUCT FOR INTERCHANGE OF TRADE DATA BY TELETRANSMISSION (UNCID), CHAPTER 2 - Text of the Uniform Rules of Conduct: –UN/ECE RECOMMENDATION No.26, THE COMMERCIAL USE OF INTERCHANGE AGREEMENTS FOR ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE,

11 11 Thank you For information on ebXML Business Collaboration standards:

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