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Accelerating Evidence-based Action in Cancer Control and Facilitating Virtual Collaboration in Canada through International Cancer Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerating Evidence-based Action in Cancer Control and Facilitating Virtual Collaboration in Canada through International Cancer Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerating Evidence-based Action in Cancer Control and Facilitating Virtual Collaboration in Canada through International Cancer Control Congress 2011 Workshop 4-2: Existing Global Frameworks to Support Implementation Michelle Chong, Business Analyst Knowledge Management

2 In this presentation 2  Cancer Control in Canada  1) Supporting Partners 2) Supporting Professionals and Patients 3) Virtual Collaboration

3 Canada 3 Population 34.3 million Growing and aging population 2011 Estimated 177,800 new cases of cancer Estimated 75,000 deaths will occur Current incidence and mortality rates indicate that: 40% of women and 45% of men in Canada will develop cancer in their lifetimes 1 out of every 4 Canadians will die from cancer Source: Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011

4 Canadian Partnership Against Cancer 4 Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (The Partnership) Independent not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government Implement the first pan-Canadian Cancer Control Strategy to reduce the impact of disease on Canadians Positioned to: Faciliate and optimize the generation, exchange, dissemination and adoption of cancer control knowledge across Canada Reduce unnecessary duplication of effort and resources across provincial cancer systems Coordinated and Collaborative Strategy developed though partnership and implemented through partnership Bring together efforts of partners in a highly coordinated and collaborative approach to cancer control

5 To enable and support the strategy, was launched in 2009 Pan-Canadian knowledge hub and online community Evolving portal that brings together cancer resources Guidelines, reports, best practices, searchable knowledge bases, collaboration tools

6 - Supporting Partners 6 Content driven by 30 health and cancer partners across Canada and internationally Supports the dissemination of provincial, territorial, and pan-Canadian knowledge in cancer control

7 – Supporting Partners 7

8 – Supporting Partners: Whitelabelling Strategy 8 Reduce duplication of this type of portal investment in Canada Partnership provides other organizations to build a portal on our existing technical infrastructure Removes the need to spend time and money procuring separate solution Activities are accelerated by removing technology development process Pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Launched April 2011

9 - Supporting Professionals and Patients 9 Prevention Policies Directory

10 - Supporting Professionals and Patients 10 The Truth of It – Video Series

11 – Survey Results 11 Overall impressed by: Credibility of the portal Quality and reliability of the information it contains Generally believed that the portal is an extremely useful tool for providing information, resources, and services 86% trust the information found on 25% reported making better cancer control decisions as a result of accessing information or resources on 71% would recommend to their colleagues 76% would recommend to their family and friends experiencing cancer 77% will continue to use cancerview’s information and services

12 – Virtual Collaboration 12 Ability to collaborate virtually across geographic and organizational boundaries identified as key gap by the cancer control community Collaborative Group Spaces Nearly 160 groups across Canada collaborating online at no cost From basic research to service delivery innovation to clinical practice to system planning Able to make use of existing tool to share knowledge, ideas, and resources Document sharing, calendars, discussions, wikis, blogs, etc.

13 – Virtual Collaboration: Survey Results 13 March 2011, survey completed by 231 users Key findings 64% of users agree that Spaces is a useful tool for professionals in the cancer control community to connect and collaborate on initiatives and projects Based on experience, top 3 benefits professionals can gain from using Spaces to collaborate include: 1) Less duplication of work (62%) 2) Increase in knowledge of current best practice (57%) 3) Greater efficiency in building or capturing new knowledge (51%)

14 – Virtual Collaboration: Survey Results 14 Top used features include: Document sharing (85%) Event Calendars (40%) Discussions (31%) Announcements (31%) Overall: 61% of users agreed that they will continue to use Collaborative Group Spaces to collaborate virtually with colleagues on initiatives and projects 56% of users agreed that they would recommend the use of Collaborative Group Spaces to other groups in the cancer control community

15 15 Thank you Contact Michelle Chong Business Analyst, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer

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