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Industrial Wastewater Treatment 高建朋 2012207375.

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1 Industrial Wastewater Treatment 高建朋 2012207375


3 Membrane Processing Definition : Separate the different constituents by making use of the selective characteristics of the membrane. Superiority: Efficient low energy consumption easy to operate

4 Microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration reverse osmosis

5 Nanofiltration

6 Aperture: lnm Retention: 150-1000 Operating pressure: 0.3 一 1.0MPa Selective characteristics of substances: Donnan Effect Separation principle: Sieving effect, Charge effects Detachable recovery of useful substances

7 In China, the theoretical research on nanofiltration process earlier, but the development of nanofiltration is still at a preliminary stage. In the United States, Japan and other countries, the nanofiltration membrane development has made ​​great progress, reaching the level of commercialization.

8 U.S. Filmtec nanofiltration company

9 Japan Nitto Denko

10 Application: Reduce the hardness of groundwater Separate the oil and water Dye purification, concentration, desalination Natural medicine separation, concentration Broth concentration

11 The factors that affect the performance of NF membrane Temperature Concentration polarization Feed concentration PH

12 The method to mitigate pollution Membrane cleaning Change the material properties Change the operation means Membrane surface modification

13 The development in the future In foreign countries, the research and application in the NF membrane is earlier than the domestic. The research in the NF membrane began in the 1990s. In the future, the development in NF membrane will be more fiery

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