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AR Medicaid Administrative Claiming (ARMAC) Keys to Success for ARMAC Coordinators February 18, 2011 1:00 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "AR Medicaid Administrative Claiming (ARMAC) Keys to Success for ARMAC Coordinators February 18, 2011 1:00 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 AR Medicaid Administrative Claiming (ARMAC) Keys to Success for ARMAC Coordinators February 18, 2011 1:00 pm

2 Coordinator Access To ARMAC Time Study System  Go to  Under ARMAC section, click on ARMAC Time Study System - (Password Required)ARMAC Time Study System  Enter username and password (if you forget your password, you can click on the “forgot password” and enter your email address to have the system email you your password).  On left side click on “participants” (this shows your participants in the Time Study Program for your district)  On left side click on “random moments” (this will show you who received random moments)

3 Reasons for Access to ARMAC Time Study System  Monitor participation in program o Emails verified o Salary and benefit information correct o Email information is up-to-date o Ability to export information to Spreadsheet (this is so you can keep your roster updated)  Monitor random moment responses o View missing moments o Make sure moments are answered in the 10 day period o Verify status of participation

4 Coordinator Access to Trained Participant Database  Go to  Under ARMAC section, click on ARMAC Coordinator Access to Participant Testing (Password Required)ARMAC Coordinator Access to Participant Testing  Enter username and password

5 Reasons for Coordinator Access to Trained Participant Database  Compare trained participants to active roster  Verify that “New” participants have trained and tested  Verify that email addresses for participants are correct. (this is especially for “New Additions” and “Name Changes”)  Make sure ALL participants are retrained and tested each year.

6 Common Misunderstandings Related to ARMAC  Incorrect - Random Moments are answered based on the Sent Date and Time  Correct – The moment date and time are specified in the body of the email, as well as, the moment form that is filled out.  Incorrect – Being active in the ARMAC Time Study System means participants are automatically retrained and retested.  Correct - All participants must be retrained each school year. A training database shows who has been tested for each district.  Incorrect - Submitting “New Participant” information to MITS automatically adds them to the program.  Correct – All “New Participants” must be trained and tested before cost data is submitted in order for them to be added to the ARMAC Time Study Program.

7 Common Misunderstandings cont.  Incorrect – Rejected Moment Emails are answered based on the date the rejection was sent.  Correct - the date and time that the moment is rejected and sent back to the participant is not what participants need to base their answers on. The original date and time of the moment needs to be the focus. Also, a specific question Is asked when the moment email is rejected.  Incorrect – Taking the online post test automatically updates the participants email address and sends an email verification request.  Correct - When participants take the online test, the email address they key in does not automatically update in the time study system. If the email address is different from the one in the system it is the ARMAC Coordinator’s responsibility to notify MITS. Email Verification requests are only sent when the participant is first added to the time study system or if the ARMAC Specialist resends it by requesst.

8 ARMAC Program Maintenance Lydia Roberson, ARMAC Specialist  Training Database Management  ARMAC payment submissions  Document organization and filing  Certification mail out and collection Reina Farley, ARMAC Specialist  ARMAC Time Study Management  Moment Coding  Inactive Participants  Additions and Adjustments  Outreach  Recruitment

9 Future Updates  Easier Training  Website Changes  New Forms ●Inactive Participant Roster ●Addition and Adjustment Roster

10 Medicaid Application Information  We suggest that all New Medicaid Applications be submitted to our office.  Medicaid will request an ADE Letter to accompany the application.  The application can be reviewed before being submitted to Medicaid to process.  Please provide a contact name and phone number in case we have questions regarding the application.  IRS LTR 147C is the newest and most important document to be included (please call us if you have any questions regarding this form.)

11 Contact Information  Address: 620 West Third, Ste. 303, LR, AR 72201  Fax: 501-375-6488  Toll Free: 1-866-280-8300, option 2  Direct Dial: 501-375-6487  Email:  

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