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Finding Earth Works - March 2009 “Occasionally something different happens, a collective awakening …that changes everything…how people.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Earth Works - March 2009 “Occasionally something different happens, a collective awakening …that changes everything…how people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 “Occasionally something different happens, a collective awakening …that changes everything…how people see the world, what they value, how society defines progress and organizes itself, and how institutions operate. The Renaissance was such a shift, as was the Industrial Revolution. So, too, is what is starting to happen around the world today.” Peter Senge, The Necessary Revolution

2 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 The Green Economy: Prepare for the Change Building Skills ~ Making Connections Commonwealth Workforce Coalition March 2009

3 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 So what’s going on with the climate?

4 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 What is our energy situation today?

5 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 How’s our economy doing?

6 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 “Speed of job loss hints at a vast remaking of the US economy” NYT, March 7, 2009 Unemployment rate 8.1% Those working part time but who want full- time work was 8.6 million; up 76.4% from a year ago Those who currently want a job was 5.6 million; up 19.2% from a year ago

7 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 “We have to seriously look at fundamentally rebuilding the economy. You’ve got to use this moment to retrain for jobs.” Andrew Stettner, National Employment Law Project Stimulus bill includes $4.5 billion for job training “In current dollars, the nation devoted the equivalent of $20 billion to job training in 1979, compared with only $6 billion last year.”

8 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 What are ‘green’ jobs?

9 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Apollo Alliance’s definition: Green-collar jobs are well paid, career track jobs that contribute directly to preserving or enhancing environmental quality.

10 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Green-Collar Jobs… Rebuild a strong middle class Provide pathways out of poverty Require some new skills (and some new thinking about old skills) Tend to be local jobs Strengthen urban and rural communities Protect our health and the health of the planet definition from Green For All

11 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Industry sectors Energy Construction Transportation Material waste / Recycling /Deconstruction Toxicity Food / Agriculture Water Local Production

12 Job Projections

13 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 U.S. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Industries in 2030 Source: Management Information Services, Inc. and American Solar Energy Society, 2008. Revenues (Billions of 2006 Dollars) Total Jobs Created (Direct Plus Indirect – Thousands) Base Case Moderate Scenario Advanced Scenario Base Case Moderate Scenario Advanced Scenario RE$98$212$5601,3053,1387,918 EE$1,818$2,152$3,93314,95317,82532,185 Total$1,913$2,379$4,53016,25820,96340,103

14 What kinds of jobs?

15 There will be some new jobs others will be refocused

16 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Energy efficiency Energy Assessment / Auditing Insulation Air Sealing Weatherization Lighting Replacement Boiler and HVAC System Efficiency/Replacement Residential / Commercial / Industrial

17 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Renewable energy Solar power Wind power Hydropower Biomass Geothermal power Installers Maintainers Designers Manufacturing – machining, sheet metal, lab tech Power plant operators Research and development

18 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 MA Clean Energy Sector: 14,400 jobs in clean energy cluster Now 10 th largest industry in the state Surveyed executives expect 30% job growth in renewable energy firms and 25% for energy efficiency firms over the next year. Mass Clean Energy Industry Census Report, August 2007, Mass Technology Collaborative

19 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Specific skills are needed AND Readiness to work Basic skills in math, writing, communication, and analysis Facility with computers Ability to communicate technically and plainly with customers Ability to be flexible and adapt to change Concern about the environment and the community

20 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 There is a premium on understanding the situation, systems thinking, making connections Because this is a watershed time in our global economy/structure, a lot is not yet known Key is being ready

21 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Preparing for the change… Math and Science Individual Preparedness Civics and Community Preparedness

22 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Preparing for the change… Work Readiness / Career Prep Being work ready Seeing how the economy is changing Knowing about green industry sectors Understanding training and career possibilities Being able to articulate the importance of ‘green’ work

23 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Preparing for the change… Skill Training Partnered with industry, local employers Aligned with public workforce development system Articulated with advanced training and higher education Training for jobs balanced with growing an industry Short term and the long view

24 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Panelists Maureen Huffam, Senior Human Resource Director, Conservation Services Group Kathy Agostinelli, Director of Human Resources, Evergreen Solar Pam Cargill, Project and System Support, Alteris Renewables

25 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Q & A Write question on index card Put it in the basket We’ll synthesize Others answered online Make sure to share your email address

26 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 “The future will be green, or not at all. This truth lies at the heart of human- kind’s most pressing challenge: to learn to live in harmony with the Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis.” Jonathon Porritt, Chairman of the UK Sustainability Commission

27 Finding Earth Works - March 2009 Finding Earth Works Staff training on the green economy Workshops for students, clients Facilitation for program/employer partnerships Online resources –

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