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Alliance for Healthy Homes & Communities – Strategies and Priorities for 2014 October 1, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Alliance for Healthy Homes & Communities – Strategies and Priorities for 2014 October 1, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alliance for Healthy Homes & Communities – Strategies and Priorities for 2014 October 1, 2013

2 Objectives: 1. Inform members on what has happened in 2013 2. Hear from membership on priorities for 2014 3. Find out what members are willing to contribute in terms of time and resources

3 Alliance Activities –2012 Convening – established priorities –Implementation funding began 1/1/13 –Operating principles –Steering committee –Network development activities –Legislative updates and calls for action –Mini-grants

4 Did you attend last year’s Statewide Convening? 1.Yes 2.No

5 In which region of MN do you live? 1.Southeast 2.Southwest 3.West Central 4.Northwest 5.Northeast 6.Central 7.East Metro 8.West Metro

6 What is/are your primary area(s) of interest? Check all that apply. 1.Health 2.Housing 3.Community Design 4.Direct Service 5.Policy

7 How many new connections did you make today? 1.None 2.1-3 3.4-6 4.More than six

8 Directions Discuss the strategies and identify up to 3 additional strategies you would recommend. On a YELLOW notecard, write the Priority area and additional strategies. On a BLUE notecard: Put your name and email address. For each priority area, write something you will do or a resource you have to address this priority. Turn both cards in at the end of the session.

9 I. Connect people, programs and sectors Sponsor networking events Central web site to access information on HH&C topics and services Internet based communications-newsletter, social media, webinars Coordinate meetings of various groups, offering opportunities to meet people working in different sectors Education and training classes specific to different audiences

10 PRIORITIZE top 2 Activities for: Connect people, programs & sectors 1.Sponsor networking events 2.Central web site to access information on HH&C topics and services 3.Internet based communications- newsletter, social media, webinars 4.Coordinate meetings of various groups, offering opportunities to meet people working in different sectors 5.Education and training classes specific to different audiences

11 II. Develop and Support Policy Changes Complete Streets that accommodate all users Adopt a healthy housing standard for inspections Develop standard screening and assessment protocols Incorporate HH assessments into home visits Incorporate HH environmental factors into clinical practice Pedestrian and bike friendly design standards

12 PRIORITIZE top 2 Activities for: Develop and Support Policy Changes 1.Complete Streets that accommodate all users 2.Adopt a healthy housing standard for inspections 3.Develop standard screening and assessment protocols 4.Incorporate HH assessments into home visits 5.Incorporate HH environmental factors into clinical practice 6.Pedestrian and bike friendly design standards

13 III. Education for the public and public officials Create more unified and simpler messages Provide information on the effects of community planning decisions on maintenance budgets, local economy and human health HH&C guides for buyers and renters Provide educational and presentation materials targeted to units of government and civic organizations Introduce HH&C concepts and activities to youth organizations and schools

14 PRIORITIZE top 2 Activities for: Education for the public and for public officials 1.Create more unified and simpler messages 2.Provide information on the effects of community planning decisions on maintenance budgets, local economy and human health 3.HH&C guides for buyers and renters 4.Provide educational and presentation materials targeted to units of government and civic organizations 5.Introduce HH&C concepts and activities to youth organizations and schools

15 Choose all that apply: Ways in which you are interested and able to participate 1.Participate in cross-sector HH/C projects 2.Help develop policy initiatives 3.Contact policy makers and elected officials on behalf of Alliance proposals 4.Attend periodic local or regional gatherings 5.Invite others to participate in Alliance work 6.Provide information about activities and initiatives in your area 7.Educate people in your area about HH/C 8.Help organize the statewide Alliance efforts

16 Should we hold another convening? 1.Yes 2.No

17 If yes, do you prefer October or June? 1.October 2.June

18 Thank you for your participation! For more information about the Alliance: Send comments or questions to:

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