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ISimangaliso: “Creating Africa’s greatest conservation-based tourism product driven by community empowerment” Portfolio and Select Committees Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "ISimangaliso: “Creating Africa’s greatest conservation-based tourism product driven by community empowerment” Portfolio and Select Committees Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 iSimangaliso: “Creating Africa’s greatest conservation-based tourism product driven by community empowerment” Portfolio and Select Committees Performance Review YEMarch2015 18 August 2015

2 Programme One: Conservation & Park Operations Strategic objective: to ensure the world heritage values are conserved

3 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these Ensure adherenc e to conservati on operation al plan Detection of illegal developments 48 hours (all were in zone of influence) (#6)Criminal process is very lengthy. The cases are still pending some two years later. iSimangaliso tries to get voluntary compliance from developers & if this does not work it takes civil action which offers a quicker remedy Detection of poaching 2 weeks  Cases opened  Cases pending  Cases finalised 25 Human & financial resources to improve coverage. The environmental monitor programme will go some way to assist with this Prosecutors are not enrolling cases. iSimangaliso issues a watching brief & appoints its own lawyers & investigators to work with SAPS & prosecutors to ensure convictions. It has also implemented a programme to support this (ref deliverable on following slide)

4 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these Ensure adherenc e to conservati on operation al plan Detection of developments in zone of influence 48 hours  Unauthorised  Applications received 6 25 Zone of influence iSimangaliso has limited jurisdiction in the buffer zone and is largely reliant on other agencies and departments such as the KZN DED to take the necessary action 5 of the 6 incidents were handed over and civil action has been taken in the case of the 6 th. ISimangaliso has also initiated a programme of awareness to encourage voluntary compliance which is bearing fruit (ref receipt of applications) Improve conviction rates 48 hours Design and tender capacity building programme for SAPS and judiciary KPI metThis programme aims to address some of the problems raised earlier. It is a training programme for park staff, SAPS, prosecutors & magistrates & includes crime scene management, environmental law etc

5 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these Implementatio n of programmes supporting sustainable environmental management Number of new environmental audits 555 Secure compliance from organs of state. ISimangaliso engages in cooperative governance and establishes working groups at staff level to manage rehabilitation Rehabilitation of degraded habitats 15 000ha 15 000ha of which 500ha is wetland 17260 Game management  Introductions  offtakes n/a 2 white rhino 45 blue wildebeest 2 45 Ability to capture, source the correct gene pool etc. Drought & water provision for animals. In this instance iSimangaliso has established boreholes to pump water into watering holes

6 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these Implementatio n of programmes supporting sustainable environmental management Feasibility study in respect of St Lucia hydrology n/a Initiate implementation of preferred solution KPI met Availability of budget to execute the full scope. Solution is to focus on the scope of work that will give most value for money ie secure the best environmental return for the spend Attempts to undermine the management strategy on the part of upstream users. To this end iSimangaliso engages in discussions with the affected stakeholders Community-based natural resource harvesting Sustainable use limits set in policy Harvesting within policy parameters KPI met The number of harvesters has increased disproportionately with the resource. Introduction of limits has been used to manage this Review of IMP and local area plans n/a Draft IMP for 2017-2020 Infrastructure development n/aAchieve project programme for year KPI metSecuring quality workmanship from contractors – have suspended one contract

7 Programme Two: Transformation Strategic objective: to optimise the empowerment in all activities of the Park in a way that will improve the livelihoods of previously-disadvantaged

8 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these Improved access to work and income generation opportunities Creation of temporary jobs The target is formulated based on the funding that has been raised for this work in any one year 15302049 New permanent jobs 1019 SMME support50178 Ongoing funding for this programme. ISimangaliso is drawing down on its community conservation levy as this is an important programme for permanent job creation Training programmes: Training Bursaries Interns 400 25 1184 47 14 Ongoing funding for the bursary and internship programmes. ISimangaliso is drawing down on its community conservation levy for the bursary programme. Alternative funding for interns not been sourced – awaiting outcome from Treasury on Groen Sebenza programme Environmental education School awards programme 40 schools46 Children in environmental awareness programmes 27005390Funding for this programme was secured from NLDTF (lotto); disbursements to iSimangaliso have been erratic and delayed

9 Programme Three: Tourism/Commercial Strategic objective: to optimise the Park’s revenue generation in a commercially- and environmentally-sustainable manner, that fosters job creation and empowerment of historically-disadvantaged communities

10 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these Increased revenue and visitor numbers to the Park increase in visitor numbers 541 027533 451506 860 The decrease in visitor numbers is largely a function of a shift from vehicular to pedestrian entries in Sodwana Bay. There is a policy of free pedestrian entry. There is evidence of some abuse of this benefit. New control systems are being designed to manage this and to quantify pedestrian visitors increase in revenue R11mR12.4mR15.9mThe increases are largely the function of a restructuring of commercial fees; new opportunities for revenue generation are being assessed

11 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these Increased revenue and visitor numbers to the Park Marketing activities Newsflashes (24) Events (3) Editorials (5) Advertorials (2) Consumer shows (2) International Delegations hosted Media Junkets (4) 23 3 9 2 1 6 Quality control (mystery guests) 2024 New Licences issued (community tourism) 23

12 Programme Four: Corporate Governance Strategic objective: to ensure that iSimangaliso’s operations are properly funded and cost-effectively managed while maintaining an appropriate system of internal control and reporting of accounting, management, and statutory information

13 OutcomeIndicatorBaselineTargetAchievement Challenges and Measures to address these To make research relevant to park management and transform the research sector in the Park reports tabled 4 reports tabled Quarterly Applications received Applications approved 68 61 Securing funding so that iSimangaliso can commission its own research and drive the research agenda. To this end iSimangaliso considers partnerships with universities Social research standards not of a high standard. ISimangaliso tries to inform the research so that it has relevance to park management and is of an acceptable standard Maintain appropriate staffing levels Retention of skills 80% 90% This year two staff members passed away in a motor accident on duty. The posts have been filled. In the last round of interviews it was clear that iSimangaliso is seen as an employer of choice. However it still remains difficult to source commercial & financial skills due to location Properly funded and effectively managed finances Unqualified audit

14 Synopsis Key Performance Indicator ProgrammeNot metMetExceededTotal Number Park Operations026228 Transformation0415 Commercialisation/Tourism2428 Corporate Governance0404 Total238545

15 Financial Information – Quarterly Basis



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