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BY: Gajan Pathmanathan

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1 BY: Gajan Pathmanathan

2 Definition Area of land that is seasonally or permanently covered by shallow water Water table is close to or on surface Link between land and water Soil, plants, animals, climate, and human disturbance determine the type of wetland

3 Marsh Frequently or continually flooded with water
Soft stemmed vegetation adapted to wet soil conditions Tidal Marshes: - found along coastlines - influenced by tides and from freshwater runoff, rivers or groundwater - covered with tall cordgrass - act as buffers to slow down shoreline erosion

4 Marsh Non-tidal Marshes: - found inland
- occur in poorly drained depressions and along shallow water (along streams, edges of lakes and rivers) - mineral rich soils of sand; clay covers the bottom of these wetlands - highly organic (ex. Lily pads, cattails, reeds and bulrushes) - small mammals (ex. Red-winged blackbirds, great blue herons, otters, and muskrats)

5 Swamp Dominated by trees and shrubs
Very wet soils during growing season and standing water during certain times of year Divided into 2 types of swamps depending on the type of vegetation: Forested Swamps - flooded by near by rivers and streams - highly organic soil (thick black)alluvial - covered with trees (ex. cedar, cypress, and pin oak) Shrub Swamps - shrubby vegetation - covered with shrubs (ex. Button bush, dogwood, and swamp rose)

6 Swamp Forested Swamps Shrub Swamps

7 Fen Peat-forming wetlands that receive nutrients from groundwater
Covered with grasses, rushes, and wild flowers Occur in glaciated areas Short growing seasons and low temperatures

8 Bog Area largely made of decomposing plant material (peat)
Floor covered with sphagnum moss Rainfall is the major source of water (acidic water) Found in glaciated areas Form when moss grows over lake or when sphagnum holds water and creates acidic conditions

9 BURNS BOG -cleared for Cranberry farming
- blueberry field on the edge of the bog

10 Impacts Atmosphere: - Bogs help reduce carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Lithosphere: - Wetlands help control shoreline erosion Hydrosphere: - Filters surface- water runoff improving water quality - Reduces pollutants in water - Restores groundwater - Flood control Biosphere: - Wetlands support diverse vegetation that have adapted to wet conditions

11 Exploitation Agriculture (ex. cranberry and blueberry fields)
Garbage dumps Urbanization Fishery

12 Preservation Increase public awareness
Implement laws prohibiting farming and urbanization near wetlands Secure wetlands Restore wetlands

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