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Kemtis Kunanuraksapong MSIS with Distinction MCTS, MCDST, MCP, A+

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Presentation on theme: "Kemtis Kunanuraksapong MSIS with Distinction MCTS, MCDST, MCP, A+"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kemtis Kunanuraksapong MSIS with Distinction MCTS, MCDST, MCP, A+

2  Chapter 7: Working on a Pipeline  Chapter 9: Bringing Strings into the Limelight

3  When you take the output of one command and direct it to the input of another command  Try this on command prompt  Ipconfig | find “ipv4 address”  Dir c:\windows\system32 | find “.exe”

4  Try this:  Get-childitem c:\windows\system32 | format- table  Get-childitem c:\windows\system32 | format- list  Get-childitem c:\windows\system32 | format- wide

5  Cmdlets use out-default as a default format to shows the output  All object are returned to the command as a stream of data

6  Get-process | format-table  Get-process | format-table –property id, name  Get-process | format-table –property name, id  Get-process | where-object {$_.Id –gt 1000} | format- table –property name, cpu, id  $_ refers to the current object in the pipe-line  Get-process | where-object {$_.Id –gt 1000} | select-object name, cpu, id | sort-object CPU, ID


8  A technical name for text  A consecutive sequence of characters  Empty VS Null Strings  Empty string – a string with zero length  Null string – undefined string (no value, no length, nothing)

9  A literal string is enclosed by double quotes  “this is the a literal string” +  “… so the story continues…”  Here-Strings  $RegularString = “First Line of string`n” +  “Second line `n” +  “Third line”  Write-host $RegularString

10  Here-Strings  $MyHereString = @“  First Line of string  Second line  Third line  ”@  Write-host $MyHereString  You also can use quotation in here-string

11  + (Concatenation) – to combine string together  See code in Page 120  You can implicitly or explicitly convert the data type into string  See codes in Page 121

12  Method split() is used to spilt the string into array of strings  $str = “this book is good!”  $str.split()

13  $myIP = “”  $ipArr = $myIP.split(“.”)  Write-Host (“Number of elements in ipArr” + $ipArr.length)  Write-Host (“First octet: “ + $ipArr[0])  Write-Host (“Second octet: “ + $ipArr[1])  Write-Host (“Third octet: “ + $ipArr[2])  Write-Host (“Fourth octet: “ + $ipArr[3])

14  $myIP = “192.168,10;100”  $ipArr = $myIP.split(“.,;”)  Write-Host (“Number of elements in ipArr” + $ipArr.length)  Write-Host (“First octet: “ + $ipArr[0])  Write-Host (“Second octet: “ + $ipArr[1])  Write-Host (“Third octet: “ + $ipArr[2])  Write-Host (“Fourth octet: “ + $ipArr[3])

15  Method substring()  $name = “Steve Seguis”  $part1 = $name.substring(0,3)  $part2 = $name.substring($name.length-4,4)  Write-Host ($part1 + $part2)


17  $str = “Steve is EVIL!!!”  $newstr = $str.replace(“EVIL”,”Good~”)  Write-Host $newstr

18  Method IndexOf() is used to find the specific character in the string  $email = “”  $atpos = $email.IndexOf(“@”)  $user = $email.substring(0, $atpos)  $domain = $email.substring($atpos+1, $email.length-($atpos+1))  Write-Host (“Username: “ + $user)  Write-Host (“Domain: “ + $domain)

19  $email = “My_invalid_email_address”  If ($email.IndexOf(“@”) –lt 0){  Write-Host “Invalid email address!”  }else{  Write-Host “Valid email address!”  }

20  Upper case  ToUpper() method  Lower case  ToLower() method

21  A search pattern  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“This book is really interesting.”,”book”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“I have 2 siblings”,”[0-9]”)  *NOTE* It is case sensitive

22  You can use escape string (\) if you want to search for special character on page 129  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“Visit us at”,”dummies\.com”) . (dot) is a single-character wildcard  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“bell”,”.ell”)

23  $username = “testuser1”  [RegEx]::IsMatch($username, “testuser[0-9]”)  If you want the name to end with either ‘a’ or ‘e’  $name = “Anna”  [RegEx]::IsMatch($name,”Ann[ae]”)

24  If you want to exclude character from a match, you can negate a character set by prefixing it with the caret (^)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“food”,”[^fh]ood”)  See Table 9-1 on Page 131 for more information

25  Question mask (?) indicates that the preceding character can exist zero times or one time  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“favorite”,”favou?rite”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“favourite”,”favou?rite”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“Monday”,”Mon(day)?”)

26  Plus (+) operator indicates that the preceding character can exist one or more times  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“srvfile1”,”srv[a-z0-9]+”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“srvfile1”,”srv[a-z]+[0-9]”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“Monday”,”Mon(day)?”)

27  star (*) operator indicates that the preceding character can exist zero times or more times  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“Ann”,”Ann[a-z]*”)  Repetitve Format  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“96813”,”[0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]”  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“96813”,”[0-9] {5}”

28  Repetitve Format  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“96813”,”[0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]”  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“96813”,”[0-9] {5}”  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“USERA”,”USER[A-Z]{2,5}”)  Ends in a sequence of two to five upper case letters

29  ^ - the match must occur at the beginning of the string  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“SRVFILE1”,”^SRV[A-Z]+[0-9]”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“TESTSRVFILE1”,”^SRV[A-Z]+[0- 9]”)

30  $- the match must occur at the end of the string  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“SRVFILE1”,”SRV[A-Z]+[0-9]$”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“TESTSRVFILE1”,”SRV[A-Z]+[0- 9]$”)  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“SRVFILE1TEST”,”SRV[A-Z]+[0- 9]$”)

31  [RegEx]::IsMatch(“”,”[A-za-z0- 9]+\.(com|edu|net)”)

32  $email = “”  If ($email –match “[A-za-z0-9]”){  Write-Host “$email is a email address”  }

33  $str = “Visit us at”  $newstr = $str –replace “www\.[A-za-z0- 9]+\.(com|edu|net)”,”WEBSITE NAME KEPT SECRET”  Write-Host $newstr

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