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Tom McEnroe Eures Adviser - Midlands Region Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom McEnroe Eures Adviser - Midlands Region Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom McEnroe Eures Adviser - Midlands Region Ireland

2 Ireland’s Demography (2007) Total Population 4.3 million Population Aged 15+3.7 million Labour Force2.223 million Unemployment Rate 20074.7% Unemployment Rate (Dec 2008)8.3% Unemployment Dec. 2009 9.2% + Forecast as high as 450,000 persons by end of 2009

3 Employment Growth 1998-2007

4 But the Irish economy is changing… Employment Growth 1996-2009

5 Economic Environment Several factors slowing economic growth - International Factors - Strong Euro - Credit Crunch - Collapse in the Housing Sector - Fall in Retail Sales - Consumer Confidence This has resulted in recent job losses in construction, transport, financial services, manufacturing, retail sales etc.

6 Employment Forecast by Sector Sector (000’s)200720082009 Agriculture116124 Construction282251202 Manufacturing296287278 Services1,4241,4531,435 Total Employment2,1172,1142,039 Unemployed101128183 Labour Force2,2172,2422,222 Net Immigration6318-30 Unemployment Rate4.5%5.7%8.2%

7 Unemployment Rising Rapidly

8 Activity Focus for 2009-2010  Information events for non Irish nationals recently unemployed to assist them return home or move on to another EEA country with employment.  Recruitment events for employers, both Irish and non Irish, with overseas vacancies in EEA and other locations.  Recruitment events for Irish employers with specific skills needs.  Information events in other EEA countries on Ireland, the Irish labour market and its needs.

9 Unemployed Persons Entitlements Job Seekers Allowance - UA (2 yrs resident) €204.30 Job Seekers Benefit - UB Rent Allowance Fuel Allowance Family Income Supplement Medical Card – doctor & medicines Free Optical & dental benefits Free Education - primary, secondary, 3 rd. level Access to FÁS training courses & Example :– Married Man (wife + 3 children ) €417.week + above

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