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Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Piedad Cristiano & María Eugenia Beget INTA & CONICET– Buenos.

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Presentation on theme: "Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Piedad Cristiano & María Eugenia Beget INTA & CONICET– Buenos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Piedad Cristiano & María Eugenia Beget INTA & CONICET– Buenos Aires - Argentina

2 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data NPP = APAR x RUE PAR x fPAR Kumar & Monteith 1982 Efficiency Model ANPP maps of Pampa Region will be generated monthly to supply farmers, cooperative associations and government decision makers to provide a useful tool for the development of their activities optimally.

3 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Particular objective of this exercise is to compute annual ANPP for 2007.

4 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data c:\ILWIS\gdal_translate.exe -of ILWIS C:\DevCoCast_15\rue_autwin.tif C:\DevCoCast_15\rue_autwin.mpr Pre-processing

5 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Pre-processing Using ILWIS tools

6 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Pre-processing Using ILWIS tools

7 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Pre-processing Using scripts

8 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Data analysis

9 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data fpar_jan07_min=iff (fpar_jan07.mpr<=0, 0, fpar_jan07.mpr) fpar_jan07_f=iff (fpar_jan07_min.mpr>=0.95, 0.95, fpar_jan07_min.mpr) Data analysis Nonlinear method (Potter et al. 1993)

10 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data apar_jan07= fpar_jan07_f * par_jan07_f Data analysis

11 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data anpp_jan07= apar_jan07 * rue_sprsum_f *10 Data analysis Monthly results

12 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data anpp_07 = anpp_jan07 + anpp_feb07 + anpp_mar07 + anpp_apr07 + anpp_may07 + anpp_jun07 + anpp_jul07 + anpp_aug07 + anpp_sep07 + anpp_oct07 + anpp_nov07 + anpp_dec07 Final results Data analysis

13 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data Conclusions A methodology to compute monthly ANPP in the Pampa Region from NDVI and PAR data was presented. The methodology is based on the efficiency model using bi- seasonal RUE maps. ANPP was compared with ANPP estimated by two models (CASA and Sala et al. 1994) and by efficiency model using fixed RUE=0.48 g/MJ. Validation performed better using this methodology (bi-seasonal variable RUE map) than ANPP calculated from a fixed RUE. A further validation against field data is warranted. Same methodology can be applied using NDVI derived from the SPOT Vegetation instrument or the daily NDVI derived from the SEVIRI-instrument onboard Meteosat Second Generation available from the GEONETCast toolbox.

14 Aboveground Net Primary Productivity estimation of Pampa grasslands using MODIS and GOES data THANK YOU / GRACIAS / MERCI / OBRIGADAS / DANK U

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