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3/9/12 PURPOSE: manage and ensure chemical and waste management policies and legislation are implemented and enforced in compliance with chemicals and.

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Presentation on theme: "3/9/12 PURPOSE: manage and ensure chemical and waste management policies and legislation are implemented and enforced in compliance with chemicals and."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/9/12 PURPOSE: manage and ensure chemical and waste management policies and legislation are implemented and enforced in compliance with chemicals and waste management authorizations, directives and agreements CHEMICALS AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 11

2 3/9/12 Who are we ACTING DDG: Mr Ishaam Abader CD: Hazardous Waste Man & Licencing CD:Gen Waste &Local Government Support CD: Chemicals & Waste Policy, Evaluation & Monitoring CD: Chemicals Management CD:Vacant CD: Ms Nolwazi CobbinahCD:Vacant D: Authorisations &Waste Disposal Management- Mr Mpho Tshitangoni D: General Waste &Special Projects- Ms Mamosa Afrika D: Waste Policy &Information- Mr Obed Baloyi 22

3 3/9/12 ACHIEVEMENTS 2011/12 PERFORMANCE INDICATORTARGETPROGRESS Percentage increase in waste recycled 45% of paper and packing recycled Not achieved Industry Waste Management Plans under review Set recycling targets for lighting 50% of tyres Percentage of households with basic waste collection Policy implementation tools developed 59% of households with basic waste collection Percentage increase in waste management spend Baseline established IIWMP reviewed Hectares of land remediatedSection 8 of WM Act brought into effect MoU developed; DWA consulted & regulations developed Decrease in unlicensed waste disposal sites Action plan developed 120 license applications processed 341 unlicensed sites surveyed 33

4 3/9/12 TARGETS 2012/13 SO PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TARGET Less waste that is better managed Number of Waste Management instruments developed and implemented Part 8 of Chapter 4 of the Waste Act brought into effect 25 instruments 1.Waste Classification and Management Regulations 2.Health Care Risk Waste Strategy 3.HCRW Regulations 4.Efficacy standards for non-burn HCRW treatment technologies 5.Declaration of saline waste as priority waste 6.Regulations for import and export of waste 7.Norms and Standards for the operation of blending platforms 8.Municipal solid waste Tariff model 9.National organic waste composting strategy 10.Norms and standards for remediation of contaminated land and soil quality 11.Contaminated Land Regulations (Reg 69(1)(v) 12.Waste Information Regulations 13.Norms and Standards for Storage of waste 14.Standards for extraction, flaring and recovery of landfill gas 15.Standards for scrapping of motor vehicles 16.Regulations for Industry Waste Management Plans 17.Standards for assessment of waste for landfill disposal 18.Standard for waste disposal to landfill 19.Household hazardous waste management strategy 20.Regulations for Ozone Depleting Substances 21.Regulations for phasing out of PCBs and PCB containing equipment 22.Regulation to ban manufacture of Annex A POPs (Stockholm Convention) chemicals 23.National Implementation Plan for Montreal Protocol 24.National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention 25.National Action Plan for Rotterdam Convention 44

5 3/9/12 TARGETS 2012/13 SOPERFORMANCE INDICATORTARGET Less waste that is better managed Percentage increase in waste recycled and recovered Investigate Schedule C of the Waste Management activity list Baseline for different waste streams established Percentage of households with basic waste collection 67% of households Hectares of land remediatedNational contaminated land database developed Percentage increase in waste expenditure in municipalities Tariff model for refuse removal developed (full cost accounting guideline for municipalities) implemented. Number of households benefiting from waste collection initiatives 35,000 Number of buyback and/or recycling facilities created 13 55

6 3/9/12 International Obligations Regulation to ban manufacture of Annex A Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (Stockholm Convention) chemicals- revise NIP to include 10 new POPs National Implementation Plan (NIP) for Montreal Protocol- Finalisation of a sector plan for the phase out of HCFCs, Augment current management plan for Methyl-bromide with new data, develop Ozone Depleting Substances regs, update Montreal training manual for customs officials National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention - adopt the National Multi-Stakeholder on Chemicals Management work programme, commence drafting 2013/14 programme National Action Plan (NAP) for Rotterdam Convention- update NAP with new targets; consult on revised targets, finalise targets 66

7 Click to edit Master subtitle style 3/9/12 THANK YOU 77

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