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© © © All rights reserved © (and then some) © All rights reserved (and then some)

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2 ©

3 ©

4 © All rights reserved

5 © (and then some)

6 © All rights reserved (and then some)

7 © All rights reserved (and then some)

8 © All rights reserved (and then some)

9 © All rights reserved (and then some) No rights reserved

10 © All rights reserved (and then some) No rights reserved

11 © All rights reserved (and then some) No rights reserved

12 © All rights reserved (and then some) No rights reserved Some rights reserved

13 Common(s) Themes: Education Paradox Paradox Utility Expression

14 Common(s) Themes: Building a layer of reasonable copyright

15 Projects: Copyright Licenses iCommonsMetadata Founders’ Copyright Creative Experiments PD Books CC Conservancy CC Tip Jar Science Commons

16 Licenses: Attribution No Commercial Use No Derivative Works Share Alike

17 Three Expressions: Human-Readable: Commons Deed

18 Three Expressions: Human-Readable: Commons Deed Lawyer-Readable: Legal Code

19 Three Expressions: Human-Readable: Commons Deed Lawyer-Readable: Legal Code Machine-Readable: Metadata

20 Three Expressions: Human-Readable: Commons Deed Lawyer-Readable: Legal Code Machine-Readable: Metadata Logo + Link

21 750,000

22 Why?

23 The Pragmatic


25 The Symbolic





30 License Innovations: Sampling Developing Countries EducationVersioning

31 iCommons


33 Metadata

34 Metadata What it does --> Expression, Description, Search What it does not do --> DRM

35 Founders’ Copyright

36 Creative Experiments Creative Experiments: FlashCDComics Stories from the Public Domain Rip Mix Burn

37 Creative Commons Conservancy

38 ©

39 ©

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