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What does Marketing Strategist Do?. Acts Strategically! 1. Develops Corporate Strategy: – Identify which products to offer? – Identify which markets (needs.

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Presentation on theme: "What does Marketing Strategist Do?. Acts Strategically! 1. Develops Corporate Strategy: – Identify which products to offer? – Identify which markets (needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does Marketing Strategist Do?

2 Acts Strategically! 1. Develops Corporate Strategy: – Identify which products to offer? – Identify which markets (needs or customers or both) to serve? 2. Develops Product Mix Strategy: – Determine what each product should contribute to the firm (profitability, volume, stability non financial) – Determine how resources should be allocated across products

3 Factors Influencing Corporate Strategy Considers Environmental Threats and Opportunities Corporate Mission and Objectives Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses

4 Growth Strategy Current Markets:Definition: Market PenetrationIncrease sales of existing products in current markets Product DevelopmentDevelop new products for existing markets Vertical IntegrationBackward (supplier) Forward (intermediary) Growth Strategy New Markets:Definition: Market Development/Bring current products to new markets Market ExpansionMove into new geographic area DiversificationMove into New products & New markets Consolidation Strategy:Definition: RetrenchmentWithdraw from weak markets PruningReduce the number of products in a market DivestmentSells off part of its business Selects:

5 Determines Product Mix Strategy Way to establish priorities among products and business with which organization is involved

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