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“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” LITERARY ELEMENTS

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1 “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” LITERARY ELEMENTS


3 Determine… Characters Plot Author’s Purpose Setting Tone Mood Theme

4 Characters Who are they and what do you think they represent?
Narrator Simon Wheeler Leonidas Smiley Jim Smiley 15 Minute Nag Andrew Jackson Daniel Webster

5 Character List Narrator . . . Possibly Mark Twain, Represents the West
Simon Wheeler Fat, bald-headed, Represents the East Leonidas W. Smiley The myth Jim Smiley The gambler (imperfect mankind) 15 minute nag Asthmatic, distempered, consumptioned horse Andrew Jackson Dog with the signature move - for the common man Dan'l Webster Frog that swallows quail shot - not for the common man pro- slavery

6 Plot Exposition- Rising Action- Climax- Falling Action- Resolution-

7 Plot (inner story) Exposition- introduced to outer story and inner and Jim Smiley Rising Action- conflict—gambling problematic Climax- frog won’t jump Falling Action-stranger running off Resolution-outer story

8 Author’s Purpose

9 Author's Purpose To entertain ... base level
Humorous, tall tale and satire To inform . . .East vs. West?

10 Setting Where, purpose

11 Setting Angels Mining Camp Bar Sometime after 1850
Relevance---Narrator vs. Simon Wheeler---?

12 Tone

13 Tone Authors attitude Satirical Humorous

14 Mood

15 Mood What the reader gets from the piece... Humorous

16 Theme

17 Theme East vs. West The thrill of competition is sometimes addicting
Cleverness is not always the best thing... Jim and narrator clever...both end up duped

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