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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Thursday, February 6, 2014.

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Thursday, February 6, 2014

2 Psa 32:5, “I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD”; and You forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah.”

3 Doxology Praise Jehovah, all ye nations, All… ye people, praise proclaim; For His grace and lovingkindness, O… sing praises to His Name. Great to us hath been His mercy, E…ver faithful is His Word; Through all ages it endureth, Hal…lelujah, praise the Lord!

4 Prov 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

5 Proverbs Chapter 12 Contrasts between the righteous and wicked in thoughts, speech and actions.

6 Section 2, vs. 15-28 Contrasting the Use of the Tongue, Pt 8.

7 In Prov 26:4, we are told to not talk to the foolish and then in vs. 5 to talk to them. Is this a contradiction?

8 In Prov 26:4, we are told to not talk to the foolish and then in vs. 5 to talk to them. Is this a contradiction? NO!

9 Vs. 4 recommends we not associate with the fool or else we will become like him, whereas vs. 5 tells us that at times we need to correct, reprove or rebuke the fool for his own good.

10 Prov 12:24

11 Prov 12:24 Here we move temporarily from the mouth, to our actions / deeds.

12 “The hand of the diligent” YADH CHARUTS, חָרוּץ יָד “To be diligent or industrious.” Work hard at the job you have been given to do by God.

13 “Will rule” - MASHAL, מָשַׁל Your hard work will pay off! You will be blessed.

14 The Contrast!

15 The Contrast! The lazy will be given “forced labor.”

16 “Forced labor” - MAS, מַס, Denotes a government- enforced taxation, filled by labor or material goods.

17 “Forced labor” - MAS, מַס, Denotes a government- enforced taxation, filled by labor or material goods. You work for the government, or China, and not for yourself.

18 Prov 12:25

19 Prov 12:25 This verse compares the impact our words have on others.

20 “Anxiety” - DE’AGAH, דְּאָָגה “Fearful anxiety”, Ezek 4:16; 12:18-19. Extreme emotional distress caused by a situation of fearing to lose something vital to life, cf. 1 Sam 9:5; 10:2; Jer 38:19; 49:23.

21 “Weighs down” - SHACHAH, שָׁחָה, “to bow down or to worship.” It implies an intolerable, crushing burden.

22 Your evil words cause fear, worry and anxiety in a man’s heart so much so that he is totally consumed or occupied by it, causing stress and anxiety within his soul.

23 Your hurtful words are so powerful that you cripple the mentality of their soul causing all kinds of negative effects to their thoughts, words and actions, leading them to sin.

24 Yet we have the filling of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to put on the armor of God, Eph 6:13ff, and establish the FLOT line of your soul, (11+ problem solving devices).

25 The Contrast!

26 The Contrast! “Good speech”, Prov 1:6, 23; 4:4, 20, has the power to heal and bring peace to a man’s soul or situation.

27 These words “cause their heart to rejoice”, SAMACH, שָׂמַח.

28 Rather than crippling the soul of a person through verbal sins of the tongue, the righteous use words of encouragement and exhortation.

29 This does not mean you should use words of flattery, because they too are a sin of the tongue, Prov 5:3; 6:24; 7:21; Psa 5:9.

30 Psa 5:9, “There is nothing reliable in what they say; their inward part is destruction itself. their throat is an open grave; they flatter with their tongue.”

31 Prov 12:26

32 Prov 12:26 Our words lead to actions in others.

33 “Is a guide”, TUR ‏תּוּר, “To explore, to investigate.” A careful, diligent, and penetrating examination in order to find what is concealed.

34 The righteous explores the heart of a man before he speaks to him or points him in a direction, to determine how to speak to him, bluntly or softly, etc.

35 Guiding means to show someone which direction to walk or travel in, and to help others decide what to do by giving them advice or by giving them a good example to follow.

36 The Contrast!

37 The Contrast! Just as a person may go off a path and get lost, so may a person move away from God’s righteous path and become lost spiritually.

38 The wicked will lead others astray, and will be lead astray themselves.

39 The friends whom you choose carelessly will lead you astray, Prov 19:19; 24:24f. Take extreme caution in choosing your friend(s). It’s a matter of life and death!

40 Grace Fellowship Church Thursday February 6, 2014 Tape # 14-013 Proverbs Chapter 12 Contrasting Righteousness and Wickedness Contrasts in the Use of the Tongue – Doctrine of the Fool Continued James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2014 Grace Fellowship Church Thursday February 6, 2014 Tape # 14-013 Proverbs Chapter 12 Contrasting Righteousness and Wickedness Contrasts in the Use of the Tongue – Doctrine of the Fool Continued Prov 12:24-26; 26:4-5; Psa 5:9 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2014

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