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Special Interest Groups. Views of American Democracy Majoritarian Pluralist Elitist Marxist.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Interest Groups. Views of American Democracy Majoritarian Pluralist Elitist Marxist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Interest Groups

2 Views of American Democracy Majoritarian Pluralist Elitist Marxist

3 Madisonian Assumptions People are very self-interested. factions, while undesirable, are inevitable in free society competition among various factions would mitigate the problems of faction.

4 Vocab - "Linking Institution" Institution the connects citizens with the government Political Parties Special Interest Groups Media Elections

5 Public Policy "Stuff you have to do - or else" Congress - Laws, Bills, Statutes, Acts President - Executive Orders Bureaucracy - Administrative Regulations Court System - Precedents Interest groups try to influence them ALL

6 Interest Groups vs Political Parties Political Party - organization of people who seek to influence public policy by getting their members elected to public office Special Interest Group - organization of people who seek to influence public policy

7 Interest Group vs "Interest" Interest Groups is organized (Official membership list, officers, etc) "Interest" is not organized. o Latent Interest Group Ex African Americans vs NAACP

8 Types of Special Interest Groups Single Issue Economic Public Interest Religious Ideological

9 Shaping Public Opinion Grassroots – at the local/individual level. Grassroots lobbying = lobbying the public. o SIG lobbies public → Public pressures decision makers The media Direct mail Opinion leaders Protests, demonstrations etc

10 Influencing Elections Vocab: electioneering PACs o Aligned and Nonaligned PACs 527s Super PACs

11 PACs PAC Expenditures Super PACs

12 Influencing Congress Contributions = Access Congress members Building trust and providing info Effective lobbyists never lie

13 Influencing Policy Making: Lobbying Lobbying Bureaucracy and Congress. Lobbying Congress

14 Influencing Policy Making: Judiciary Litigation Amicus Curiae Briefs Class Action Lawsuits Judicial appointments and elections

15 Iron Triangle (Subgovernment) Interlocking relationship between Congressional Committees Interest Groups Administrative Agencies The Revolving Door


17 The principal task of government is to manage the interplay of group interests Interest groups can also be a threat to the American political system o Hyperpluralism

18 Issue Network

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