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Short Breaks Activities for Disabled Children and Safeguarding.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Breaks Activities for Disabled Children and Safeguarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Breaks Activities for Disabled Children and Safeguarding

2 Safeguarding Working Together 2013 Updates previous version from 2010 Early identification and help for children who need it Simpler processes for social workers Explicit responsibility for safeguarding on everyone working with children

3 OFSTED research from 2012 Children with disabilities are more at risk of abuse, but less likely to have a child protection plan Lessons for Local Authority about how we investigate and support When Child protection intervention was used well, the outcomes for children were much improved Please know how to refer, and refer when needed

4 Short Breaks providers Safeguarding Policies What do we look for? Does the policy have a date, and a review date? Is there clear information on what to do if you suspect abuse, with contact details? Is there an understanding of types of abuse and possible signs/indicators? Evidence of safer recruitment practices Mandatory basic training

5 Short Breaks providers Safeguarding Policies What else do we look for? Awareness of additional vulnerability of disabled people Safe working practices (preventative practice e.g. lone working) Awareness of national guidance, and local resources e.g. Hampshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (HSCB) Associated guidance e.g. mobile phone use, bullying

6 Audit of policies Great examples with essentials from large & small/ national & local/ specialist & inclusive providers Undated or unclear when they will be reviewed Local contact details missing If detailed information is in another place, make this clear e.g. safe recruitment Many policies not mentioning a basic level of training Many policies not mentioning safe recruitment Everyone could improve & update!

7 Ideas to support you Your local district council’s policy Hampshire’s model policy Specialist disability providers local to you Handout – website for voluntary sector/small clubs and Sport-specific or activity-specific safeguarding guidelines e.g. swimming, karate

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