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Do Now:  Make a list of responsibilities that a married teenager would have that an unmarried teenage would not have.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now:  Make a list of responsibilities that a married teenager would have that an unmarried teenage would not have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now:  Make a list of responsibilities that a married teenager would have that an unmarried teenage would not have.

2 Group Activity: 1. Class will be divided into groups. 2. Each group should develop a list of at least 5 questions that couples should discuss before they marry. 3. One person from each group will write one on the board.


4 Healthy Marriages: Working Together  Marriage: is a lifelong union between a husband and a wife, who develop an intimate relationship.  Deciding whether to marry is one of the most serious decisions a person can make.

5 Responsibilities of Marriage: 1. Love- In a healthy marriage, spouses show their love for each other through actions and do not depend solely on feelings of love. 2. Commitment- A commitment is an agreement or pledge to do something. 3. Compromise- is essential in a healthy marriage. Compromise in a marriage means not always getting your way and sometimes giving up what you want. 4. Emotional Intimacy:- is the state of being emotionally connected to another person. The most common way for a couple to develop emotional intimacy is through good communication.

6 Benefits of Marriage: 1. Emotional and physical intimacy 2. Companionship and deep friendship 3. Financial support system 4. Great emotional stability

7 Engagement: Developing Your Relationships:  Emotional Maturity: is the ability to assess a relationship or situation and to act according to what is best for oneself and for the other person in the relationship.  Discussing Important Issues: i. What are our values and beliefs? ii. Should we have children? iii. How will we handle conflict between family members? iv. Should both of work outside of the home? v. Where should we live? vi. What are our economic expectations?

8 Pre-Marital Education Class:  Help couples openly discuss their goals and expectations of marriage.  Major differences may surface, and a counselor can help the couple decide if those diffrences can or cannot be resolved.

9 Teen Marriages:  What do you think of Teen Marriage?  What do you think could be possible stresses of teen marriage? 1. Independence from parents and family 2. Financial worries 3. Changes in relationships 4. Interaction with in-laws 5. Concern for a spouse’s emotional and physical well- being 6. Possible parenthood

10 Divorce & Remarriage:  Divorce: A legal end to a marriage.

11 Reasons for Divorce:  Many times, divorce seems like the best solution to an unhappy marriage. 1. Communication Problems- Breakdown in good communication is a common cause of a divorce. 2. Unfilled Expectations- Lack of fulfilled expectations accounts for other divorces. 3. Different financial habits and goals- Differences in financial habits can also lead spouses to divorce.

12 Impact of Divorce on Teens:

13 Tips for Coping: DoDon’t Separate yourself from your parent’s problems. Don’t feel responsible for the divorce. Recognize that being mad at parents and loving them at the same time is normal. Don’t isolate yourself from loved ones and friends. Realize that you are not alone—many teens are going through similar situations. Don’t think you are alone. Others have had similar feelings. Ask for help.Don’t refuse help from adults around you.

14 Impact of Parent’s Remarriage on Teens

15  If a parent chooses to remarry, new problems may confront a teen.  Teens often feel resentment toward the remarrying parent, the step-parent, and any step-siblings.  They may blame the remarrying parent for the distress of other parents.

16 Coping with Divorce or Remarriage  Your parents are doing their best to make their way through a difficult time.  Although you may be angry with one or both of your parents, don’t take your anger out on others.  Find a way to constructively deal with your feelings.  Don’t blame yourself for your parents’ divorce. It’s not your fault.

17 Homework:  You can start now: 1. Answer questions 1-9 to be handed in and collected the next day.

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