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Implementing Vouchers in DISD Changing Public Opinion.

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1 Implementing Vouchers in DISD Changing Public Opinion

2 2. Social Problem Public schools with high minority, low income populations are not performing as well as more affluent, large majority districts. DISD student population is 93.3% minority composed of Hispanics and African- Americans.

3 64% of DISD population are eligible for reduced or free lunch DISD has scored less than state average on most standardized tests in reading, writing, math, and science at all grade levels for the last three years. 3. Social Problem (cont)

4 4. Social Problem (con’t) Although DISD is a failing school district it is resistant to using government school vouchers. There is misinformation regarding school vouchers. Based on results from Milwaukee, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., and San

5 5. Social Problem (con’t) Antonio, DISD should implement a pilot program using school vouchers. Teacher unions/organizations oppose school vouchers, e.g. NEA, Anti-

6 6. Stakeholders DISD students; capacities include their youthfulness, impressionable, full of potential. DISD parents; capacities include their influence on their children. If parents value education, children will value education. School system; capacities include teachers

7 7. Stakeholders (con’t) Who have the knowledge to educate; buildings; money; books. Dallas community; capacities include organizations and churches which provide tutoring and private schools; citizens not fearful to confront issues; Dallas Morning News keep public abreast of problems/progress

8 8. Technology Solutions To change public opinion following are technology based solutions: * Meetup Groups *Educational Website (English & Spanish) *Testimonial Website (from Milwaukee, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., San Antonio

9 9. Technology Solutions (con’t) *Blogs

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