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Team and Support Why have a garden? Team and Support Why have a garden?

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Presentation on theme: "Team and Support Why have a garden? Team and Support Why have a garden?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team and Support Why have a garden? Team and Support Why have a garden?

2 Gardens can Expand Student Learning Curriculum using the state curriculum standards Curriculum using the state curriculum standards Textbook learning and hands on learning Textbook learning and hands on learning Indoor learning and outdoor learning Indoor learning and outdoor learning

3 Create Your Garden Team

4 Who is Your Garden Team? Students Students Teachers Teachers Principal Principal Support Staff Support Staff Parents Parents

5 Make Garden a School Project

6 Where Can You Get Support? Principal Principal PTA/Foundation PTA/Foundation Master Gardeners Master Gardeners Grants and other financial support Grants and other financial support Community groups Community groups Kiwanis Kiwanis Rotary Rotary Horticultural organizations Horticultural organizations

7 Make a Plan

8 Summary Academic advantage Academic advantage Putting together your team and support Putting together your team and support Getting started Getting started students grants master gardeners standards principal curriculum parents teachers community

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