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Non-Traditional methods of Science Communication A garden of science in the state of Morelos, México.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Traditional methods of Science Communication A garden of science in the state of Morelos, México."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Traditional methods of Science Communication A garden of science in the state of Morelos, México.


3 Background Science museums are traditionally closed spaces The concept of a garden of science (science-playground) was born in India : Vikram A. Sarabhaj Community Science Center. Economical problem of building a museum. To be part of the community and to democratize science In USA and Europe they are usually a complement of Science Museums

4 Clore Garden Rehovot, Israel, Weizmann Institute of Science Big scale exhibits The museum without walls

5 The garden of science “Huayacán” (2009) Energy and environmental education Mexican toys Physics: mechanics, optics and hydromechanics

6 Objectives To show the internal mechanisms of the exhibits To include some historical facts To give some elements of the importance of science and technology To learn by playing To create a relaxed atmosphere where the visitor feels at home To include trees and plants of the region To become a reference for the community To foster sustainable development To carry on a future evaluation

7 Simple machines: Heron of Alexandria (10-70 AC) Screw machines Lever Pulley Wedge Inclined plane Wheel

8 Screw Archimedes screw (3 AC) To bring up water and grains

9 Lever Archimedes: “Give me a lever an I will move the world” A lever to dig sand A children game of up and down

10 Pulleys It is always surprising how you need less force to pull up a heavy object using a pulley

11 Incline plane This is a very old simple machine Pyramids of Egypt

12 Wheels Wheels and mills can be related to energy Wind energy A turbine

13 Hydrodynamics Exhibits that work with water

14 Optics Optical illusions The power of mirrors

15 Sound waves ¿How sound waves are propagated? To combine different effects in one exhibit

16 Environment The visitor will learn about the endemic plants of the region, such as the “huayacán”

17 Mexican toys

18 Advantages To improve the quality of life of the visitors To create a space for education and entertainment To collaborate with formal education of young people To develop a prototype that could reproduced in the country To establish a collaboration between academy and industry To democratize science To perform research in science communication

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