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Writing for Peace Writer’s Retreat Prof. Nina Torres Vidal April 16, 2005 9:00-4:00 Mona’s Mexican Restaurant.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for Peace Writer’s Retreat Prof. Nina Torres Vidal April 16, 2005 9:00-4:00 Mona’s Mexican Restaurant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for Peace Writer’s Retreat Prof. Nina Torres Vidal April 16, 2005 9:00-4:00 Mona’s Mexican Restaurant

2 About Nina Torres Vidal Full Professor at the University of the Sacred Heart Translator Currently translating Esmeralda Santiago’s The Turkish Lover Writer of articles on feminism and theology

3 Writing for Peace Reading and writing exercises were used as a means of understanding the concept of peace, and how teachers can foster peace within the classroom environment through writing activities.

4 Prewriting Activities Introducing the concept of peace through group discussion Word Wall summarizing ideas Discussion of concepts presented in sample readings.

5 Materials Diversity of recommended readings, including essays and poems Peace altar Paper and colored pencils for Word Wall

6 Writing Activities Using word or concept walls to brainstorm about peace Writing about violence and non-violence using objects which we carry in our bags Writing thoughts about peace which will serve as writing prompts

7 Closing Activities Choral Reading of poems related to the day’s topics Sharing of writing done throughout the day Peer Response exercise

8 Readings Articles Bolker, Joan. “A Room of One’s Own Is Not Enough”. The Writer’s Home Companion: An Anthology of the World’s Best Writing Advice from Keats to Kunitz (1997) Edited by Joan Bolker,Ed. D. Holt and Company. Cumming, Patricia. “Getting Started: Writing Suggestions”. The Writer’s Home Companion: An Anthology of the World’s Best Writing Advice from Keats to Kunitz (1997) Edited by Joan Bolker,Ed. D. Holt and Company. Paulsell Stephanie. “Writing as a Spiritual Discipline” The Scope of Our Art: The Vocation of the Theological Teacher (2002) Edited by L. Gregory Jones & Stephanie Paulsell.W. Eerdmann’s Publishing Co. Michigan/Cambridge.

9 Poems Burgos, Julia. “Yo misma fui mi ruta” Swann, Matilde Alba. “Matar a un hombre en Vietnam” Celaya, Gabriel. “La poesía es un arma cargada de futuro”

10 Other “Peace is the Way: Inspirational Quotations for Peacemakers”. Compiled by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. 10/8/01

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